Chapter One

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's my first story so please comment what you think of it. This book is actually R-Rated it will contain sex, violence, cruelty, and gore. So if you can not handle these things I advise you not to read this. This story is also in edited so I'm sorry if it sucks I'm just going with the flow on this story and I just really wanted to write this LOL.


I gazed outside of the French doors longing to see what lays beyond the chateau's walls. Beyond the dark forest and beyond the castles of the vampires and the werewolves where they rage in war. But mother says isn't safe that the vampires and werewolves hid in the dark forest waiting for beautiful girls to linger in. Waiting for the kill. I'm hardly beautiful so I don't see the point of staying in this place.

Because of this war the human population in Eastern Germany was dwindling. The were either bitten to become part of the vampire army, marked by the werewolf army, or simply killed between the crossfires. Some even volunteered to fight. They were mostly men that joined. The women of eastern Germany were forced into hiding.

Because if we would not fight the war there was only one use for us. The slave trade. We would be used as house workers,nannies for the werewolf children, breeders, or the worst of all. Sex slaves for the vampires. The werewolves atleast had some humanity in them. But the vampire didn't care about humans. We are just blood bags to them.

The war has been going on between the werewolves and vampires for a millennium but they never took it on the battlefield twelve years ago. Ever since the war started the sun has not shined in Eastern Germany. I haven't seen the sun since I was five. Ever since my mother told me we could never leave the chateau ever again. Or at least until the war stopped then I could find a husband and leave Germany for good.

I haven't got many years left to find one I'm sixteen. I'm almost past the age of suitable marriage, and there aren't many human men left in Germany.

"Tara! Come down for your lessons darling." My mother shouted from down stairs. I groaned. I absolutely hated my daily lessons of being a proper lady. It's simply exhausting. First you have to bow to your guest or your new acquaintance. Then you have to sit like a proper lady. Balance books on your head to make you walk straighter. Keep your shoulders back etc. I don't see the point especially with this war raging on there might not even be humans anymore to bow to anymore.

Maybe the vampires win and there are new ways to life now. Same goes for the werewolves. Who knows?

"Tara come down this instant do not make me come up there!"

I sighed and walked the down the stairs to the music room where my mother was shouting from.

" I thought a lady never shouted." I said innocently.

"Do not use that tone with me."

" But I was only remembering the rules you taught me mother."

"Just shut up and play." She snapped.

My mother hasn't been the same since the war since my father got taken into the vampire army for god knows what reason. He could have just been used as a blood bag or maybe a soldier. Thankfully that night when he was taken he lead the vampires away from the chateau so they wouldn't find us. I shivered at the thought of them finding us.

"What would you like me to play mother?"

"Play Beethoven's fifth symphony."

As I started to play the lyrical notes. I hummed along. Knowing the piece by heart. I looked at my mother who was looking out the window peacefully. I looked out the window looking out into the forest that surrounds the chateau. The forest is so dense and green. If there weren't so many creatures it would actually be sort of beautiful. The tall trees of different varieties their so green that it was simply mesmerizing. Then I saw a shadow scurry across the outer edge of the forest, and I instantly tensed up. I looked at my other who had the same expression that I did.

"Mother what's going on?" I said starting to panic now.

"They've found us." She says looking pale as ever.

A/N: I'm sorry if it sucked but please comment what you think so I can make the next chapters better. Sorry that it was so short though. Next chapter will be longer I promise.

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