Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: heres the next chapter!! i hope you like it!!! Sorry i cant make then longer but them the story would be over. so ya here ya go at the end I listened to Let me a sign by Rob Pattinson to give it that extra feel to it lol.


Romulus P.O.V:

I rushed towards Tara but it was too late he had already bitten her. I grabbed Dorian and threw him across the room. I heard his back crack but he slithered away before I could do more damage. I need to help Tara.

I held her limp body in my arms. I knew she wasn't dead that her body was transitioning.

"Lucian!" I have her let's go!"

Lucian let out a massive howl and the rest of my troops fled out the doors.

"Romulus. Is she alright?"

"No. She's transitioning we must make hast back to the Den, and see if Den mother can help her."

Lucian nodded and we headed back to the Den. The Den mother is the healer of the pack and also my mother. My father the king of the pack died in battle and I took the throne at age nineteen. Tara is going to be my queen. Even though she's young I know she'll have great wisdom and will help me by my side. Now that I have her I won't let Dorian ruin everything not when I've been looking for her for all my life.

We had finally made it back to the Den and Lucian had found my mother. I placed Tara on my bed in the upper chambers. When my mother arrived.

"Romulus you found her!"

"Yes mother but now we have to save her."

My mother looked confused. "Save her?"

"She's transitioning mother. He bit her three times."

Mother gasped and grabbed her chest in agony.

"She's been through a lot we can't let her down."

"Of course. How long ago did he bite her?"

"About thirty minutes ago."

"And she still hasn't woken up yet!"

"No mother I'm afraid that she won't wake up. That she'll fight it for so long it'll kill her."

"Romulus if she can fight off the bite for this long she truly is your mate. Her hair hasn't even started to blacken. I've never heard of anyone fighting the bite for this long."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Bring me my herbs."

Lily and Lucian quickly came in with mother's herbs. She snapped some cinnamon twigs and crushed some marigolds and some it's roses to powder, and poured some liquid in it.

"Make her drink this."

I took the cup from mother and separated Tara's soft lily lips, and poured the mixture down her throat.

Nothing happened. Then she started moving and convulsing around.

"Hold her down!" mother shouted.

Tara was strong she knocked Lily and mother off but me and Lucian held tight holding her down.

She let out a scream. Her eyes still closed it felt like we were actually seeing the battle going on inside her.

"Mother how do we stop it!"

"There's only one way left."

"What? Tell me!"

"You have to counter Dorian's bite with yours."

"And turn her?!"

"Yes you'll turn her anyway. This is for a noble cause."

"Mother I'd just be doing the same thing as Dorian."

"I know son but would you rather have her as one of us or one of them."

I sighed in defeat because I knew mother was right.

I cupped Tara's face holding her human self just one last time. She won't be this fragile human anymore. I didn't get to cherish her when she was. I only saw what was in her dreams when I was there. He took that away from me and Dorian will die for it. So help me God he will.

"Everything is going to be alright Tara. I promise." I whispered to her as I kissed her head. Then moved to her neck. I felt my canines poke through and my eyes went to their gold color. I moved her hair away from the infected spot and I bit down.

Her body stopped convulsing, and her neck leaked out Dorian's venom and soaked in mine.

Mother bottled the liquid.

I held Tara there in my arms as her body transitioned to a werewolf. I held her there for what felt like hours but then a miracle happened.

Tara opened her eyes and gasped for air. Her blue eyes shining.

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