Chapter Twenty One

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A/N; Hey guys sorry the last chapter was short but i was just way to busy to write anything more and please know that i only write short chapters because i don't habe any time to write anything longer. So please be considerate about my life. I do try to write as much as i can to make you guys happy. Other than that here's the next chapter and i really hpe you like it the past three chapters have kind of shown what's happened in all of their POV's so i hope it's not confusing and i really hipe you like it thanks again! Btw guys we are number two on vampire and number nine on werewolf! That's amazing! Thank you so much! One more thing this chapter is dedicated to my friend Bless happy belated birthday!


Tara P.O.V:

My vision went black when Dorian bit me. I screamed but no one could hear me I felt myself float up. Into the sky and i felt the presence of people just beyond my reach. They radiated good and pure, I reached up to take the hand of one of the people with white gilded wings.

The person's hand wrapped around mine in a secure embrace. The person spoke to me in a soft, airy voice.

"Your safe here now Tara. Your parents are waiting for you."

Then without a moment's notice something dark and sinister wrapped around my ankle pulling me back to the cold, dark world called Earth. I felt myself fall back into oblivion to my body. There before me a woman stood there her raven black hair flowing in the cold night breeze.

"Where am I? Who are you?"

The woman spoke in a raspy voice almost like Evangeline. "Your back in your natural body on earth, and as for who i am. I'm the subconscious that has been inside you waiting for this glorious day when i can finally control your body. My name is Yvette."

"Yvette? Like the name Dorian tried to give me?"

"Yes my sweet Dorian. We'll soon be united again but as of right now our body is being carried through Germany towards the werewolve's castle of their 'Den' as they call it. Your idiotic Romulus is trying to save you from turning into me but that won't happen you'lll be a vampire by the time I'm through with you."

"No! Never I'm not going to let you win after I've fought for this long!" Although i felt incredibly weak i charged after her. She quickly evaded my attack and laughed at me.

"Foolish mortal! Do you really think you can defeat me? Romulus doesn't even realize it but your hair is slowly turning black, your skin white."

"No! This is my body and I want you out!"

"That's not going to happen!" She screamed a blood curling scream and i quickly covered my ears.

"It doesn't belong to you anymore your dead now!"


I felt my body shudder with power and then a crack of lightning shuddered my sub conscience, obliterating Yvette leaving me all alone in blackness.

I heard someone speak off in the distance.

"It's going to be all right Tara i promise."

I grabbed my neck in pain when a new girl stood before me now. She looked exactly like me same hair same skin, same face except she had bright blue eyes. Not like Dorian's his are a cold dark blue. Her's are a warm ice blue color that brings warmth and comfort to me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your subconscious the one that's been fighting to get away from Yvette and now that you've gotten rid of her I'm free to help you. Do you know how remarkable it is for a werewolf to meet their wolf? It usually never happens!" She said with a smile.

"What do you mean werewolf? I'm not a werewolf I'm a sixteen year old human girl!"

The girl just lightly shook her head I'm sorry Tara but you are a werewolf and i am your wolf. Here to guide you done the right path which is being a good Luna, ruling by Romulus's side"

"No! Please god no! I don't want to be this Luna i'm not ready to rule anything let alone rule by a man who i know nothing about and god only knows how old he is!"

"Shush child you waking up now."

"No please no!"

I gasped awake seeing Romulus right next to me. I watched as Romulus's eyes went from a bright gold to his normal green color.

"Why?" i choked out in a sob.

"Why what?" He looked completely exasperated and tired.

"Why would you turn me into this thing!"

"Because i had to in order to save you!"

"Why couldn't you just let me die! Did you ever think that maybe i wouldn't want to be this or be with you!" He instantly paled and looked extremely hurt like a pup that had just been scolded for giving love to it's master.

His voice was shaky for only a split second then he sounded confident and unbent like i hadn't even said anything to him a second ago.

"No i didn't think of what you wanted i know your tired of this world and the creatures in it. But Tara i need you and i can't stand the thought of that sick bastard taking you away from me!" He shouted and reached down to me pulling me up to his lips, kissing me in a passionate way.

I pulled away from him and slapped him across his beautiful face.

"Your such a hypocrite! You've just finished the dirty work of Dorian! You did the exact same thing that he wanted to do!"

I sprinted from the fleeing faster than ever thought possible. I bolted down the hall i stopped and tried to catch my breath against the wall when Romulus appeared right next to me.


"What's happening to me!"

"Your a werewolf love."

"No! No i don't want this take it away!"

"I can't Tara! It's not something you can just give back!"

I slumped down to the ground and crawled in a ball. For the first time ever i let myself cry in front of someone. I've held my emotions in and now it feels good to let it all out.




"Just go away. Please."

"No. I refuse you you hating me because i gave you a gift, your just to stubborn and stuck in the past to accept it!" He roared at me.

I looked up to his bright green eyes that now had flecks of gold in them. They remind me of the old lake that was by the chateau. They were a beautiful moss green color that seemed to comfort you. They reminded me of home.

"A gift! You call this a gift! I call this a curse! It's worse than vampirism!"

He grabbed my chin his gold eyes blazing. He held my chin firmly.

"Listen. You'll never know the pain i have felt when i thought you were dead. I want to help you defeat Dorian. I know you've been humiliated and violated for his own pleasure. I just want to help you kill him and this gift that i've granted you with will help you do that. Don't you want that?"

I was stunned by his proposal. I do want to get rid of Dorian but I'll never tell him that. So i sat there lost in thought.

He let go of my chin and stood back. Staring at me

"Well your not just going to sit there. Your coming with me." He said with a smirk.


"To our room."

"What? No! No you can't make me!"

"Oh can't I?"

He walked over to me and bent down to me and picked me up slinging me over his broad shoulders.

"Let me down Colossus!" His laughter boomed throughout the hallway.

"Not a chance darling.You haven't seen anything yet, and once you do you'll change your mind about me being huge and you'll like it."

Romulus carried me through three different hallways until we reached a double door with the words Alpha painted in gold.

"No stop no!"

"Your a feisty new wolf aren't you?

"Let me go."

Romulus kicked open the double doors to reveal a gorgeous bedroom. I instantly stopped kicking and marveled at the room around me. With magnificent Persian rugs and a grand walnut desk in the corner. The room had many windows and silk curtains. The view was absolutely amazing the forest beyond was endless except for the lake just beyond the castle. The moon hung high above the forest illuminating every crack in the forest.

Romulus carried me to the four poster bed with furs of all kinds of animal furs with big fluffy, luxurious pillows.

"Lay down." He said in my ear.

"Please don't do this."

Romulus laid me down on top the furs.

"Do what?"

"What Dorian has always wanted to do with me."

Romulus knelled down beside me.

"No what Dorian wanted to do to you was use you for disgusting and unholy reasons.He tried to force you into what he wanted. I on the other hand will wait as long as i need to. I want to give you filling passion. I want you to give yourself to me willingly. I don't want to use you. I want to make sweet, passionate love to you. i want to have pups with you and grow old together. It's alright that you might not except me now but eventually you'll give in. Because no matter what your my mate."

I sat there completely speechless at his passionate words. They chilled my spine but warmed my insides in the most delightful way.

"Now get some sleep i have some business i need to take care of first." He kissed my forehead goodbye and left.

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