Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N: I wpuldn highly recomend listening to Norah jones Turn me on while reading a part in here. You'll see why. ;)


I took his hand and he led me out the front door of the exquisite castle and into the forest surrounding it. We ran deep into the forest his hand still holding onto mine tightly as we ran. We ran until we got to the lake that i saw from Romulus's window. It's blue crystal clear water looked inviting as ever as i walked to it's shores.

"Are you ready?" Romulus said to me with a smirk.

"Ready for what?" I smiled at him still dazzled by the sparkling water.

"To start your training to fight and shift.

Panic started to bubble inside of me at the word shift. I've never shifted before only in my dreams have i ever fully performed a full shift successfully.

"Romulus. i don't know about this I've never really shifted before."

He just smirked again "That's why I'm going to teach you little wolf. It's not that hard nor is it scary, and I will be there with you the entire time." He walked over to me and lifted my chin up to his face. "You're safe. You're always safe with me." He bent his head and kissed my forehead.

"Romulus i still have my doubts just because I've never done this to myself. I'm not worried about you hurting me i'm worried about me hurting myself. Something that you can't protect me from."

"But i know you won't. I have faith in you, and you should have faith in yourself because if i was to bet on anyone or anything I would bet it all on you."

I smiled at his words and bowed my head trying to hide the tear sliding down my eyes.

"Now come on Tara. Come here." He took my hand leading me to a large tree. "Extend your claws then slash it. Like this." He threw his hand down about half way then his claws popped out, and slashed the tree about four inches deep.

"Alright now you try."

"No way! I'll be more likely to break my hand."

"that's why you extend your claws first before you hit the tree." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Be careful lovely or else i actually might out that beautiful tongue to some actual use."

I wasn't threatened by him so i stuck it out even farther definitely not being very lady like. Romulus only laughed and smirked.

"I guess your threats are useless just like your attempts to seduce me, Oh dear mate of mine." i said in a very sassy tone.

He only cocked an eyebrow. "My attempts are useless are they?" His eyes were so deeply green and intense they were like a black panther's eyes just staring right at me looking at me like i was his next meal.He walked towards me even closer forcing my back up against the tree.

"Y-yes." I stuttered out.

He tilted his head at me. His strong chest was a baby's breathe away from pushing against mine.

"You don't sound so confident Tara." He said slowly letting all the words roll off his tongue. He tilted his head next to my ear and blew hot air in it. Sending goosebumps all down my arms all the way to my toes. All the while his  large, calloused hands roamed up  and down my arms. I felt like pure water under his touch. His lips kissed behind my ear sending even more goosebumps down my body instantly heating me up. If he kept this up any longer i would surely submit to him, and after all of this I'm pretty sure i wouldn't regret one single minute. He kissed down my neck to my collar bone then all the way back up to my ear then stopped to whisper in it.

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