chapter five

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I'm dead, was my first thought when I regained consciousness, I have to be.

Asmodeus had claimed my soul and even though I didn't have a full understanding of what that meant, I knew I was dead. He squeezed the life out of me, for god's sake! There was no way I could survive such an extremity.

So imagine my confusion when my eyelids fluttered open and I was greeted by the four walls of the room Belphegor had given to me. Everything was the same - the aquarium, the television set and the gaming station. The only change that was worth noticing was the sudden presence of lit candles sitting atop the end table, giving the room a comfortable warmth — or maybe it was the sheets my body was buried under. Whatever the case, it appeared as though nothing had happened.

Until, of course, my eyes focused on two figures in the corner of the room bickering with each other. I instantly recognized one of them as Belphegor, judging by his black trench coat. I assumed the other was Lake because he was always attached to his master's side.

"I knew I shouldn't have left him alone!" Belphegor seemed to shout to himself as he grasped onto tufts of his brown hair. "Asmodeus is famous for striking when my guard is down. I must talk with father immediately."

He turned to leave, but Lake latched onto his arm, holding him back. "Master, your father is away on business."

"Business?" the taller man questioned, his brow quirking upwards. "The branding ceremony is tonight. What business could he possibly be tending to?"

"God requested his presence," Lake said simply.

Belphegor stiffened at that, as though Lake's words had an underlying meaning. He hung his head low and remained silent for quite some time. "Then I'll send Asmodeus to the pits myself," he huffed as he prepared to push past his servant and make his way to the door again, but Lake stopped him once more.

"Asmodeus was hellbent on getting the boy," he noted, "nothing you could've done or could do changes that. On another note, I do not see the significance. The boy's a brat."

Belphegor straightened his posture and challenged Lake with a intimidating glower. "I do not wish to speak with you anymore. Make sure Jacob receives his proper medication. I will be back in an hour." He shrugged off Lake's hold on him and stormed out of the room, slamming the doors behind him.

Lake stared at the closed doors for a long time before heaving a sigh and turning to face me. There was a look of contempt in his cobalt eyes as he moved closer to me and slowly descended onto the edge of the bed beside me. "You are sick," he noted.

I frowned. "I am?"

"Your body has yet to realize it, but your soul certainly does." He reached over to the bedside table and retrieved a tea cup filled with an unknown liquid. "Drink this, it should delay the effects of Asmodeus' influence."

I gave him a weary glance, but decided it was best not to argue. Having Asmodeus plunge his hand into my chest definitely put things into perspective for me.

I carefully took the cup from his hands and held it up to my lips, taking a tiny sip. The liquid was warm and sweet, like honey. "What, exactly, are the effects of Asmodeus' influence?"

"For every second you are away from him, your body grows weaker until you eventually wither and die," he explained. "You'll also be inclined to do whatever he tells you, if he commands it, although I am interested in seeing how that works since you are so stubborn." He chuckled, which was the first time I had ever seen him laugh.

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