Chapter 7

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"So are you going to at least give me a hint as to what we're doing or where we're going?" I question Harry for about the one hundredth time.

We're riding in his fancy range rover, and I have no I idea where we're headed. I'm not quite familiar with the route we're traveling, so it makes me a bit nervous. What if he's taking me somewhere where no one can find us, and then he can do whatever he wants to me? My palms begin to sweat.

My cheeks are flushed, and I can't seem to stop chewing on my nail.

What if I'm just being ridiculous?

Harry chuckles. "I don't want to tell you because I want to see your true reaction when we get there. I'm still yet to decide if this is a really lame first date or not.." He takes me off guard when he says "first date." I'm not really sure if I want this to be one of those. I really just need a friend right now.

I take a deep breath and call myself down. This is probably nothing; Harry is a great guy, I try to convince myself. I think we finally arrive to our destination because we're now pulling under a huge sign that reads, "CONEY ISLAND AMUSEMENT PARK". I'm silently thanking God that I actually enjoy roller coasters, or else this "first date" probably wouldn't be going so well.

"An amusement park, huh?" I ask him. As we pulled into a parking spot and came to a halt, I could sense he was nervous. "We don't have to stay if you don't want to, Becca.." I stare at him and wait for him to continue, as he pulls something out of his back jean pocket. "I won these on the radio about 3 weeks ago, and they're about to expire soon. I thought I would bring you." He laughs as he shows me his two tickets to Coney Island Amusement Park. "Is this lame? We can go do something else if you'd like."

"Are you kidding? I love roller coasters! I'm in." I say with excitement. This is definitely a way to keep my mind busy.

He smiles, clearly glad that his plan worked out the way he wanted it too. ***********

It's been nearly five hours and I swear we've ridden every ride twice. We're both sitting in a little italian restaurant inside of the theme park gates, sharing a pizza together.

"I'm so tired, I literally feel like my legs could fall off any second." I say to Harry. He laughs.

"I could say the same, but this pizza probably wasn't the best way to reward ourselves from all of our exercise today." He lays back in the booth and pats his stomach. I laugh; I'm still finishing up my last slice, but I decide to ask him some questions. I realize that I don't actually know much about Harry at all. For all I know, he's just a boy; all dimples and curly hair.

"You know what, Harry?"

"Mhmm?" He mumbles.

He pushes his curly locks back and swooshes it off to the side; something like literally makes my heart skip a beat. "I don't know that much about you.." He looks up at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well," I explain, "everyone has some type of story... And I don't know yours." "I could say the same about you." Harry chuckles. "But you already know a lot about what's going on in my life.." Harry tries to make eye contact, but I look down. The last thing that I want brought up is Hank. And I definitely don't want Harry to sense that something happened today with Hank either. "True." Harry responds. I wait for him to talk, but he doesn't. "So?" I ask, "Tell me." He sighs and thinks for a moment. "Well I don't really know where to start, quite frankly. What would you wish to know?" Harry always sounds so proper when he speaks, I guess it's because he's from England. "Well, you said you were from Cheshire, right?" He smiles and shakes his head yes. "So what brought you to America?" He sighs once again. "You're probably going to think it's stupid."

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