chapter thirty-seven

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Elizabeth's phone made noise and so did the rest besides the parents.

"It's a photo.", Elizabeth said.

"Posted by Zendaya...", Kian said.

"She tagged us in it.", Veronica said.

"It probably just uploaded because of the WiFi here.", Grayson said.

"It was the picture she took of us at the bowling alley.", Ethan added.

"Her last photo that she will ever post and it happens to be now... here... and with us.", Camilla says as she begins to cry.

"Don't say it's her last photo.", Ethan whispered.

They look over at Mrs. Johnson.

"I'm so sorry...", said the doctor.

Mrs. Johnson screams and drops to the ground and Mr. Lawley comes to pick her up.

"No!", Kian yells as he got up and ran to the doctor.

The doctor says, "I'm sorry for your loss.", and walks away.

Kian walked to the window and saw them cover her face with the sheet.

He grabbed Mrs. Johnson and hugged her, tightly.

Everyone began to cry.

Grayson grabbed Elizabeth quickly and held her.

Two weeks later @ the Holy Cross Cemetery 3:01 p.m. Saturday.

Zendaya's funeral.

Elizabeth's speech:

"It's hard to think that this is all real. Zendaya was such an amazing girl... and that one bullet took her life. She was only 15. She didn't even get to graduate... um... I met Zendaya when I was 4. I have photos, if you'd like to see, but maybe after. Anyway, she was so shy to people she didn't know. So shy. Since Camilla and I were practically best friends since birth, we took her under our wing flew her into the state of care free land.", she began laughing, "She learned fast. We met the twins when we were 6 and eventually they led us to Chris and Kian. Since then, its was always the 6 of us. Up until a few days ago... when a new face appeared.", she said looking and smiling at Veronica. "I miss you so much, can't wait to see you again."

Camilla's speech:

"Um... Zendaya had nothing but laughter and... happiness. She always seemed to make someone laugh even when she didn't know how to smile for herself. That's the kind of girl she was. She believed in others when she didn't believe in herself... I can't say much else without completely losing so I'll just leave it at that, Zendaya."

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