chapter fifty-two

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"That was two years ago! Let it go!", Damon yells as he points at Elizabeth.

They were all sitting around in a table, at Denny's. Laughing at old memories.

They sitting in a circle.

"Grayson, when did you-?"

"No!", he yells as everyone else laughs, "Elizabeth Taylor Bryant, you promised we would never speak of this!"

Camilla laughed and took her last sip before saying, "Eth and I wanted to tell everyone something."

Everyone calmed down and faced them.

"Well," Ethan adds, "Camilla and I have been talking and we want to start a family."

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"You can't.", Travis says.

"Why not?", Camilla asked.

"Cam," Elizabeth says as she placed her napkin on the table, "You're only 16."

"You're mother would want you married by the time your pregnant-"

"We already thought it through and in Georgia they let you get married at the age of 16 if you're pregnant.", Camilla adds.

Grayson says, "Guys... we should be happy for them." Everyone looks at Grayson and he continues, "I mean of course, we have our opinions, but if they really want to then, let them. Just hang on for the ride."

Elizabeth looks back down and adds, "You're right."

"Congratulations, guys.", Travis says.

"Yeah, can't wait to see the little critter.", Kendall says.

Grayson's room (back house) 9:32 p.m

Elizabeth walks in and lays with Grayson on his bed.

"Baby?", he says to her.

She adjusted herself sat on him and he stayed laying down.

"You think they were serious?", he says as he places his hands on her waist.

"Yeah, you know Cam, she's always wanted kids."

"I know, but now?", he asked as he slowly makes his way down her thighs.

"I don't know.", she responded.

She grabs her phone and notices its on silent.

Kian sent you 62 messages!
72 missed calls from Kian! Call back now

Her jaw dropped.

Kian: hey so ill pick you up in ten
Kian: im here
Kian: lizz?
Kian: lizz?
Kian: if you made other plans thats fine
Kian: meet me at Dennys
Kian: I already made a reservation
Kian: lizz??? Its been 30 min
Kian: I look stupid

The texts went on.

"What's wrong?", Grayson asked her.

"I was supposed to meet with Kian.", she says as she covers her face. She hops off of Grayson and dials Kian's number.

K: "yeah?"
E: "I'm so sorry for not showing up, I got into a car accident and-"
K: "Woah wait! Really? Lizz are you okay?!"
E: "yeah, but-"
K: "I'm coming over."

Then, Kian hung up.

She laughs and says, "Grayson, Kian is coming over for a little and-"

"You've been talking to him?", he asks.

"Yeah.", she said as she jumped up and put on her shoes.

"Why haven't you told anyone? We've all been worried.", Grayson said as he sat up.

"I don't know? I'm sorry?", she said as she puts on a jacket.

"Wait, but if he's coming here, why are you getting ready to go out?", he asks as he walks up to you.

"Babe, we're gonna go out for coffee, I mean we don't want to be cooped up here.", she says as she turned to him. "Plus, I have to get home to get my things."

"What if we didn't have to keep going back and forth?", he said, grabbing her waist.

"What do you mean?", she asked zipping up her jacket.

"What if you just moved with me here?", he said.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, it'll be our house instead of just my house.", Grayson said.

She jumped up and kissed him.

Then, her phone began to ring.

E: "hello?"
K: "hey im here."
E: "in front of Grayson's?"
K: "yeah"
E: "be right out."

She hung up and kissed Grayson again.

"I love you.", he whispers.

"I love you too, Grayson.", she says, right before she ran out.

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