Chapter six

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Oh my sweet Jesus

Oh my sour Jesus

Oh my barbaque Jesus

Oh my doritos locos tacos Jesus

I am so fat.

I look down at the scale the morning after my first concert and sigh. 99.4 lbs. I've hardly eaten all week and I weigh this much? No wonder Niall doesn't like me romantically- I'm gigantic. There's a knock on the door. "Snow?" Liam asks.

I step off the scale quickly and open the bathroom door. "Hey sorry. I was weighing myself. Need to see how much I'm going to have to exercise this afternoon."

He rolls his eyes. "You're fine, Snow. Niall's waiting by the way. You ready?" 

I nod and step past him. "Sorry for hogging the bathroom." He just smiles and nods in response and closes the door. I walk through the bus, trying to step over and avoid the dirt clothes and trash the boys threw down here last night. Like legit I had them clean before the show and all of a sudden it's dirty by the time I wake up the next morning. Making them clean was pointless. I walk through the curtain and see everyone lounging on the couch. 

"Hey everyone," I smile. 

"Hey Snow. You look great," Zayn says, returning my smile. 

"Yeah, you really do," Harry agrees. I look down at my outfit- a green and blue polka dot sundress and white sandles- and do a little twirl. 

"You think so?" I giggle. 

"Yeah, I definitely do," Harry mutters. I don't miss the look Niall gives him, and I blush. Oh okay then. No compliments from the guy I was actually trying to impress. 

"Let's just go, Snow." He walks off the bus and I have to speed walk to keep up. 

"Bye everyone!" I call over my shoulder and then run up to Niall who's already almost out of the lot. "Hey dude. What's your problem?"

He stops and takes a deep breath before turning around, a smile plastered onto his face. It's fake- his eyes aren't shining. "Sorry I didn't mean to be snappy."

I purse my lips but don't want to start a fight. "Whatever you say. So," I say, perking up. "Where do you want to go?"

He smiles for real this time and rests his arm loosly around my shoulders and I slip mine around his waist. My skin is tingling in every spot he's touching me, but I try to push my feelings down. No. He probably does this with all his friends. Stop it Snow. "I don't know, wherever you want. We could grab some lunch if you want?"

I don't want to. The number on the scale is too damn high, but I also don't want to draw attention to the fact that I'm not eating. So I nod. "If you want. Where do you want to go."

"I don't know." He looks down at me and smiles. "We'll just walk until we find something."

We walk for a little while, talking about nothing really until we come across a small diner. "Do you want to go in here?" He asks. 

"Yeah sure." We enter the diner and are quickly seated by a hostess whose gaze lingers especially long on Niall. It flattens when it lands on me though and she purses her lips and leads us to a booth in the corner. He slides into the booth across from me. "Thanks," he says to the hostess before turning his attention to me. "So what's up with you. You're not yourself this morning."

I give him a weird look. "What are you on about? I'm perfectly myself." 

"No you're usually much more talkative than this. Tell me what's up." 

I can't help but bristle at this. I hate being told what to do, even if he isn't trying to be bossy. "Just drop it, OK?" I open my menu and stare at it, seeing nothing I would look even relatiely interested in. All I can see on the menu is


Fat with animal fat......6.34

Fat and carbs...... 5.89

You catch my drift. 

"Alright whatever you say." He sighs and opens his menu as well. 

A blonde girl around Niall's age comes bounding up to us. She's all smiles and clear skin and pretty face and I feel a pang of jealousy. And I can see that when she stops at our table, when she stands with her feet together, her thighs don't touch. Ugh she's perfect. "Hi! My name is Holly and I'll... Niall?"

Niall looks up from his menu and stares at the girl in shock. "Oh my god, Holly?" His face breaks out into a huge smile. "Hey!" He stands up and pulls her into a big hug. "It's great to see you."

She returns his hug. "It's great to see you too." She pulls away and shoots me the death glare. "Who is this?"

"Oh," Niall turns back to me. He sounds surprised at the mention of me, as if as soon as this insanely hot Holly came up he forgot I was there. "This is Snow." 

"Hm. Is this a date or something?" She asks, eyeing me up and down. She can't even see half of me, but I can feel her eyes judging everything on me. 

"Oh with her? No!" Her says quickly, blushing. 

Holly suddenly relaxes. She's still giving me weird looks but at least she's not tearing me apart. She laughs fakely. "I was going to say- downgrade."

Niall laughs nervously as I stare at him, hurt. "Excuse me?" I move my way out of the booth and smooth out my dress. "I am not a downgrade you blonde bimbo. If you consider everyone who doesn't have fake boobs and fake blonde hair a downgrade, then you must not have many friends." I turn to Niall. "I didn't really think this was a date, but you have to be clearer with your signals. Either you like me or you like fake bitches. Choose one and stick with it."

"Snow!" Niall says. 

"Oh," I snap at him. "I didn't realise standing up for myself was so bad. She insulted me and you do nothing, but as soon as I point out the truth, I'm the bad guy."

I turn and stalk off, but not before Holly mutters, "bitch."

I ignore her and step outside into the rare Englend sunlight, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I scroll through my contacts until I hit the one I'm looking for. 

She picks up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Hey Amy, it's Snow. Want to hang out?" 

"Oh! Snow!" She sounds surprised I called her, but also pleased. "Yeah where and when?"

"Now and the Starbucks right next to the mall where I met you." I turn and walk in that direction.

"OK. See you in about twenty minutes."

That sounded about right. "Yeah see you then." I end the call and walk towards the Starbucks, fuming. That slutwhore Holly had officially ruined my mood and the little self confidence I had. I mean, like, I get it- she was clearly into Niall. I don't know who she was but she wanted the D and apparently acting like a crazy jealous bitchy bitch is the way to his heart because Niall seemed more interested in her than me. 

Granted she did have a nice body, huge boobs, and was really pretty. And a thigh gap.  We all know a thigh gap means easier access. She wouldn't even have to open her legs to fuck her. 

Fifteen minutes later I get to the Starbucks and see Amy already sitting outside with her drink. She smiles when she sees me, but makes no move to stand up and hug me. Good. I'm not in the mood. 

"Hey Snow. What's up?" 

I smile and sit down. "Hey. Ugh Niall and I were hanging out and we ran into some slut and-" the chime on my phone interrupts me. I pull out my phone and see it's from Liam. 

Hey Snow. Come home, we have bad news. Prepare youself. xx Li. 


Also follow me on twitter? @raggityana <3 I follow back I love you :*


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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