Chapter One

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"Kay, that's the end of the show. Thanks for being such a great audiance!" A curly haired boy shots to the crowd.

"Yeah!" Adds another boy who wears a stiped shirt and suspenders. "We love you guys so much!" The crowd screams, each individual girl thinking that he's talking directly to her. It sounds like there are literally thousands of people here. And this is one of their smaller shows? Oh dear lord, what did I sign up for.

Sarah, my manager, senses my nervousness. "It's okay Snow," she whispers to me. "I know this is your first tour with an internationally famous band, but you've got this."

I take a deep breath a nod. I'm not expected to perform now, I start next show, but Sarah took me here to join the tour after One Direction's last opening act had to drop out. "Right. It's just the crowds are so big and I've never performed in front of this big a crowd before."

Sarah nods. "Yeah I understand, but it's okay. You'll rock the shows. I know it."

I smile at her. "You're right. Thanks."

She returns it. "Anytime."

I busy taking deep breaths when One Direction enters the hallway Sarah and I are standing in. "Why hello," says a tall dark boy.

I smile and wave. "Hi."

"I thought fans with passes weren't supposed to come back here until later on?" The one with the shaved head says.

Before I can respond, probably sarchastically, Sarah speaks up. "She's not a passholder, Liam. She's your new opening act."

"But she's like, twelve!" Harry exclaims. The other boys nod in agreement. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Actually," I say. "I'm seventeen and I could probably sing all of your butts off at any given point in time."

"Ohh, feisty," the dark one chuckles.

"More like attitude problem," mutters Harry.

Sarah's about to say something but I'm already off. "Scuse you, but do you see me insulting you like that? Uh no," I snap. His mouth drops to the floor. In fact, everyone's does. "Exactly. So if you insult me one more time I'm literally going to shove my foot so far up your ass you'll like it and turn gay."

It's silent for a second before everyone bursts out laughing. "I like her," Louis says, stepping foward and holding his hand out fo rme to shake. I take it. "I'm Louis. That just earned you a ticket into the 1D family. Not many girls I know would say that to Harry Styles."

I laugh. "Yeah well, I've never been one to know how to keep my mouth shut. No hard feelings?" I look over Louis' shoulder at Harry.

He smiles. "No hard feelings. That was actually the most creative insult I've heard."

I shrug. "I try."

"This is Zayn," Lou points to Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious. "And Liam," he waves his hand at the boy with the shaved head. They both wave at me.

"And I'm Niall," another boy says. He's blonde, slightly shorter than the rest, and has deep blue eyes.  "It's great to meet you."

I smile and flip my own blonde hair over my shoulder. "Thanks. I'm Snow." I hold my hand out but when he grabs it, he pulls me into a hug which everyone quickly joins in on. 

"We're huggers," Harry says. I laugh.

"I can see that."

"Snow," Sarah's voice breaks apart our little group hug. "I'm going to put your bags on their bus. Go back to their dressing room and get to know them all," she orders.

I smile at her. As professional as she is, I've always loved Sarah. She's a mother to me. "Want any help with the bags?"

 Sarah smiles and shakes her head. "No thanks. Go make friends. You'll be sharing a tour bus with them for the next three months in Europe and Asia, so make nice."

"As you wish, your highness," I bow down to her as all the boys laugh.

"Real nice. Give me a hug, because right after I put your bags on the bus, I'm leaving."

"Wait," I freeze. "You're not coming on tour with us?"

Sarah shakes her head. "No. I have to go home. Dad's in the hospital again. After he gets out, I'm having him move in with me so I can take care of him." 

"Ohhh," I grimace. 

"Don't worry!" Lou yells, throwing his arm around my shoulder. "You'll have us."

I laugh. "Very true." I step foward and wrap sarah into a hug. She has to kind of bend down so that my face isn't shoved in her boobs, but we make it work. "Bye, Sarah. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, babe. Stay out of trouble."

I pull away and smirk at her. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Okay, well just stay out of legal trouble."

I giggle and shrug. "Compromise."

She smiles and ruffles my hair lovingly. "See you soon. Oh, and Snow?" Her voice turns serious. 


"I'm really sorry." 

I smile kindly at her. "It's okay; I understand that your dad is sick. Tell him I said to feel better." 

Sarah gramices. "It's not that. Just know that I really am sorry."

I nod, confused as hell, and watch her walk down the hall and turn the corner. 

"You alright?" The Irish boy asks me. I turn around and see that all the boys are looking at me with concern. I've just met them and they're acting all concerned about me. Adorable. 

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I've just never traveled without Sarah before. Hell, I've never been apart from her for an extended period of time since I was ten."

"Why?" Zayn asks. 

"It's a long story. Sarah adopted me when I was ten. We haven't really been apart since."

"Oh...what happened to your parents?" Harry asks. Liam smacks him on the arm. 

"Bro, not cool," he admonishes. 

I smile. "No, it's fine. It's not like it's some big secret. My mom and dad went missing when I was nine and I was put into this orphanage. And one day Sarah walked in saying she was a friend of my mom and dad's, and next thing I knew she had adopted me. I had just turned ten when she brought me home." 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Did they ever find your mom and dad?" Niall asks. I shrug, wanting to drop the subject, because no, they haven't. I don't know what happened to them, and I'm usually open about the fact that they went missing, but besides that, I prefer not to talk about it. 

He senses that and smiles. "It's okay, you don't have to tell us." 

"Thanks." I return his smile. "Now, I was ordered to make friends with you guys, so let's go back to your dressing room and make friends dammit!" 

I start to walk in the direction of the rooms when suddenly Niall runs up behind me and picks me up bridal style. "For friendship!" He cries. 

"Friendship!" We all chorus. Niall takes off down the hallway with the other boys running after him. I giggle the whole time as Niall carries me, like I weigh two pounds as opposed to one hundred and two. 

Soo what do you think? First chapter of a new story. For all you Elusive fans, I have the next chapter written out...I just don't have the notebook Dx So yeah, just hold tight guys! Love you, as usual. 

Ded to Boobear for obvious reasons


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