Chapter Two

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"So I was thinking," Harry says.

"Oh God," Louis groans. "Nothing good ever comes out of you thinking."

Harry rolls his eyes "Shut up. I was thinking," he pauses and glares at Lou, who promtly shuts his mouth. "That maybe we can play a game to pass the time before we have to leave."

I lean back into the (Hopefully) faux-leather couch. "What kind of game? Is it like Saw? Because then I don't think I want to play a game."

"Let's play a game," Zayn whispers manically in my ear, doing a very realistic impression of Jigsaw.

"Zayn!" I gasp. "You creepy mofo!"

He laughs and plops on the couch next to me. "Yes well, I try."

"Right about now I wouldn't mind playing a game like Saw," Harry says to himself.

"I don't think the owners of this concert hall would like that very much," Liam muses. "I hear blood and gore is a pain to get out of nice carpeting like this."

"Well," I add. "I heard that a steam cleaner works wonders on blood and guts."

"Where did you hear that?" Niall asks.

"Yahoo answers," I reply. He sits down on my other side.

"Guys!" Harry says, trying to be firm, but we all see the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Shut up a sec. I was thinking we play the question game."

"The question game?" Niall asks, his blonde eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Care to explain?" I finish.

"Well, Snow, you ask one of us a question. In turn, that person asks you a question. It's a good way for you to get to know us, and us you," Harry explains.

Lou nods his head slowly. "Yeah, I can do that."

"Okay, Snow, you start," Liam says.

Hmm...okay. Who to ask, who to ask. I could ask Zayn, who looks all mysterious. But I don't think I would get many interesting things out of him. Liam? Nah, too responsible. Harry and Lou are pretty much open books, so there's nothing really about them that I wouldn't learn in time. Niall. I turn to him.

"Niall," I say. "Who is the sexiest person alive?"

He thinks about this a second. "Uhm...Katy Perry. Oh! Or Demi Lovato. Yeah, Demi is sexy."

I make the sound of a buzzer, like on a game show. "Wrong! The correct answer is me."

Louis laughs. "Of course."

"What kind of music do you sing?" Niall asks me.

I shrug. "Rock, pop, a bit of rap. Whatever, really. Except for country. I hate country." I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

They all look shocked. "You can rap?" Harry asks, looking a bit shocked.

"Would I say I can if I can't?"

"No," Zayn answer. "You just don't look like somene who can rap very well."

He's got me there. "Yeah, shorty," Lou laughs.

I whack him on the arm. "I'm not that short!"

"How tall are you?" Liam challenges me.

"Four eleven," I mumble.

Niall bursts out laughing. "Hate to break it to you, but you're pretty short."

"Am not!" I defend myself.

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