Chapter Three

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It's three thirty a.m. and I'm still awake, sitting on the couch and writing in my song notebook. It's silent except for the sound of the bus running and the scratching of my pencil on paper.

"Hey, what are you doing up?"

I jump in surprise and look over to see Niall standing in front of the curtain separating the bunks from the rest of the bus.

"Couldn't sleep," I explain, closing my book and setting it down on the coffee table.

He nods sleepily and rubs his eyes. "Whatchya writing?" He asks, walking over to the couch and sitting down next to me. I'm hyper-aware of the fact that I'm wearing only his shirt. It comes down to my mid-thigh, but it still shows enough.

"Nothing," I say. "Why are you awake?"

He shrugs, still eyeing my notebook. "I'm hungry."

"I'll make you something if you want," I offer. Niall smiles.

"Really? Thanks."

I laugh and pat his head. "I'll be right back." I get up and walk into the kitchen. I search through the fridge and find some sliced apples, blue berries, grapes, sliced bananas, and melon. I throw them all in a large bowl and mix it up. Voila, fruit salad. I carry the bowl into the living room.

"Here you-"

He's lying on the couch, his eyes closed and breathing heavy.

I sigh and put the salad back into the fridge. I then walk over to my bunk and silently grab my comforter.

I put the blanket over the sleeping Irish. "Night," I whisper to him.

When back in the room, I don't bother climbing the ladder; I just collapse on Niall's bunk and fall asleep instantly.


"Should we wake her?"

"Nah, leave her sleep."

"But we need to go soon."

"Liam, we have two and a half hours until we get to London."

"It's better to be early than to be late."

"Bro, even if she isn't completely ready when we get there, we don't have to perform until later. It's only ten, let her sleep."

"Niall, if we have to wait on her-"

"We won't. You guys can go off and do your stuff. I'll stay here and wait for her. I don't mind."

"You're only saying that because-"

I groan and open my eyes. "There better be a damned good reason you're arguing about me like I'm not right in front of you."

"Oh hey Snow," Niall says.

"You're finally up," Liam says impatiently.

I sit up and stretch. "Wonderful to see you too, Li. Didn't your mother teach you how to be patient. And hey Niall." Niall smiles and waves as Liam rolls his eyes.

"She's impossible," he mutters.

"Oh shut up," I say. "Live a little, dear. It'll do you some good."

He can't help but smile a bit. "We'll be in London soon. Get up!" he throws my-erm, Niall's- comforter off of me.

"Liam!" I shriek as he reveals my naked legs. As I was sleeping, the shirt rode up, so he could see everything. Including my underwear.

He only laughs. "Victoria's Secret. Nice."

I blush furiously. "Get the hell out before I murder your face with a spoon."

He pales. "You know I hate spoons."

Niall laughs. "I think that's why she said it. Come on, let’s go before she threatens to murder me with a four leaf clover."

"They're not threats, they're promises," I mumble as they leave.

"I'm sure they are, Snow. I'm sure they are," Niall replies.

I slide out of bed and pull a dark blue polka dotted sundress from my suitcase. Instead of the black belt it came with, I grab a red one instead.

I lay the clothes out on the bed and grab my makeup bag and bring it into the bathroom. As I’m about to walk into the bathroom, Harry pokes his head through the curtains. "Hey Sn- damn. Niall said you looked hot, but damn."

I glare at him. "I have no qualms about murdering you, too."

He winks. "I only speak the truth. Anyway, I'm making breakfast. Want any?"

I shake my head. "No thanks, I'm not hungry," I lie.

"Kay," he says, believing me. He has no reason not to.

I take a quick shower and change into my outfit. My hair is still dripping wet when I walk into the living room with my brush.

"Hey Snow," they boys say.

"Hey lads, what’s up?"

"Not much. Thanks for the blanket by the way," Niall says.

"No problemo."

"You hungry?" Zayn asks.

I shake my head as I run the brush through my curls. "Nah, not really. Thanks though."

Liam's eyebrows furrow in concern. "You sure? You look like you could use some food."

I look down at my not-so-skinny frame. "Nah I'm good," I say, hoping I sound somewhat convincing.

"At least eat something." Lou says. I sigh and open the fridge and grab three grapes from the fruit salad.

"There," I reply, popping them into my mouth. "I ate."

I quickly wrestle my hair into a loose braid over my shoulder. "What’s on the schedule for today, Liam?" I ask, thinking that Daddy Directioner would be the guy with the schedule.

I guessed right. "We stop in London in another hour out so. We'll get off and have time to ourselves until rehearsal at six. Rehearsal runs from six to eight. We go into hair and makeup. From there is wardrobe. Show runs from nine to ten thirty. You'll be on first, sing five or six songs. We'll get on the bus at around eleven or twelve. We have another show tomorrow night as well and then we have a break for a few days, so we'll just stay in the bus. None of us feel like checking into a hotel. We'll leave in eight days, which would be Monday for our concert in Manchester. OK?"

"Only you would have the entire schedule memorised," Louis laughs.

"Good, so we'll have time to clean this bus up a little before we stop," I say.

Four out of the five boys groan. "But Ssssnnnnoooowwww," Harry whines.

"No, no arguments. This bus is a mess and it's getting cleaned. I saw something in the fridge last night, that I swear to god probably was a species unknown to man.”

"Yeah well so?" Niall says. "It's five against one, we win." He crosses his arms and smiles smugly.

"Actually," I put out. "It's four against two. It looks like Liam is on my side on this."

Liam nods.

"So? We still have the majority," Niall argues.

I cross my arms and look at Niall blankly. After a few seconds he starts to shift uncomfortably. A full minute passes before he breaks down. "Okay!" he cries. "We'll clean! Just stop staring! How do you even not blink for that long!!! You're freaking Dumbledore!" he turns to the rest of the boys. "It's Dumbledore!"

I laugh and look away. "Nah. I'm just a girl, and you're too easy," I say as I walk away.

"Oh she's good," Lou whispers. "She is good."

Hey guys, Snow here. How's it been the past couple of days? We haven't spoken in a while. Well I miss you<3 Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote, comment, fan!!!


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