19. Home?

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      I woke up because of the hard rain. I hope we will be safe. I turned around and saw Niall still sleeping. I poked his shoulder. Still not awake.

“Niall.” I whispered then poked his arm.

Still not awake.

“Niall!” I screamed.

Niall opened his eyes and jumped. He fell off the bed and it made me laughed really hard.

“Is there a fire?!” He asked/shouted.

“No!” I laughed.

“Go on laugh!” He said angrily.

“I’m so sorry Niall…” I tried not to laugh.

“It’s raining.” He said then stood up.

“Yeah… Can you drive?” I asked.

“Yeah…” He answered then looked at the window. “The rain is so hard.”

“But we need to go home now…” I said.

Niall nodded.

“I’ll just take a shower.” Niall said.

I nodded and then laid down the bed again.

“Princess… wake up.” Niall said shaking me slightly.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

“Go take a bath now princess.” Niall smiled.

I nodded and hopped off the bed. I walked towards the bathroom and turned to shower off. I placed my prepared clothes on top of the toilet’s cover. I stripped off my clothes and went inside the shower.

The water is hot. I cleaned my body with soap and my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I turned the shower off after rinsing my hair. I wrapper the bath towel around my body and stepped out the shower. I put my clothes on. My outfit was a plane white shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse. I brushed my hair and let it dry naturally. I walked towards the living room where I saw Niall waiting.

“You’re mom said that we should eat breakfast there.” Niall said.

I nodded and walked closer to him.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yeah let’s go.” I answered.

Niall opened the door and we both ran towards his car. Niall turned the engine on when we got in. He started driving.

We’re back in Doncaster. We just need to turn right and left and there we are. But something happened. Niall turned his right but…


The car bumped another car. My head hit the window and the glass crashed. That’s the only thing I can remember then everything went black.

“Open the door now!” I heard a girl commanded.

I hear people crying… I slowly opened my eyes and saw a lot of colorful lights. I looked at my left and saw Niall unconscious.

“Niall.” I tried to speak.

“Hey! Someone’s alive!” I heard a guy shouted.

Someone checked Niall’s pulse.

“The guy is alive!” The guy shouted.

A guy opened my door and carried my bridal style. The guy placed me in a stretcher. I saw my mom, my brother, the lads and the girls.

That’s all I can remember then everything went black again.

I slowly opened my eyes and winced a little because of the lights. I think I’m in the hospital now… why would this thing happen to me and Niall? Is this a bad karma cause I asked him about my memory? Please save him! I don’t care if I die! Just save him! Please!

A tear slipped from my eyes.

I heard the doors opened. I saw Niall beside me still unconscious.

“Are you alright? Does you’re head hurt?” The doctor asked.

“Yeah… I little.” I tried to answer.

“Alright we will just let you sleep okay?” The doctor said.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt the injection’s needle going inside my skin. I opened my eyes again but it was blurry.  I looked around and saw Niall then everything went black again.

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