Chapter Twenty: Johnny

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"Hey, Jay, wake up." Jimmy gently shook me.

I opened my eyes, immediately blinded by the light illuminating the room, "What?"

"It's like one in the afternoon."

I groaned, slowly sitting up. I watched as Jimmy kicked the covers back, and collected our clothes. He tossed mine to me, hitting me directly in the face with them.

"Hey!" I shouted, playfully.

Jimmy chuckled, beginning to dress himself.

After putting my boxers on, I stopped, questioning myself, "I need a shower, why am I getting dressed?"

I stood, making my way to the door, with Jimmy behind me, "Ooh, I wanna come." He winked as I turned back and smirked at him.

He followed me into the bathroom, undressing once more as I turned the water on. He suddenly tugged my boxers down, surprising me.

He giggled, hugging me from behind, "I love you."

I jokingly rolled my eyes, "Uh huh."

Jimmy opened his mouth wide, speechless for only a moment, "I do!" He protested.


The drummer quickly turned me around to face him, pinning me against the wall.

He leaned in, closely, "I think we both know that what I showed you last night means I love you very, very much."

He trailed his hand down my stomach, still using his other to hold me against the wall.

"Not again." I giggled, attempting to push him away, "I'm too exhausted for a round two."

"You slept for like ten hours!" Jimmy expressed, throwing his hands up for emphasis.

I couldn't hold back from laughing, turning back and getting into the shower. Jimmy followed me, holding me closely, not letting go as the hot water streamed over us.


I sat on the couch, alone in the dark house, minutes after Jimmy had left. It was too quiet. The silence of the house ate away at me, causing me to feel as if I was going insane. It wasn't often that I was home alone. Usually, my parents were too frightened to leave me unaccompanied.

It scared me too.

What if they never come back? What if they just left me here alone to die?

I began to panic, unsure of what to do. I quickly reached forward, grabbing the remote and turning the television on. I needed it desperately, to get my mind off of things.

I missed Jimmy. Strange, right? He had just left, only ten minutes ago, and I already needed him to come back.

My thoughts drifted back to the night before, as I wondered whether I had made the right decision or not.

Maybe Jimmy was just lying. How could I do that? I can't trust him enough, let alone have sex with him!

I covered my face with my hands, "Oh God, why, why, why did I ever do that?"

No. I mentally slapped myself, Jimmy does love me. And it's different, I gave him my consent. And he never hurt me. It's different.

As I sat, staring at the television, though my vision was unfocused, I took several deep breaths. I finally managed to calm myself to an extent of figuring out what I could do in order to force the loneliness out of my mind. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing Jimmy's number.

I let out a sigh of relief when I heard his voice on the other line, "Hey, something wrong?"

"No," I answered, "I just wanna talk."

Jimmy chuckled, "I just left your house."

"I miss you."



"Aw, sorry, Jay." I could almost hear him smiling.

It made me smile, myself. Knowing that he was happy, completely shifted my mood.

"Hey, Johnny, I'm actually on my way to Brian's house. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay." I replied, a small rush of unexpected disappointment coming over me.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, feeling abandoned once more.

God, when are my parents coming home?

Just as the thought came across my mind, the front door opened. A surge of relief rushed through me, instantly. The moment Mom saw me, she immediately began making her way towards the couch.

She greeted me with a hug, "Hi, honey."

"Hi, Mom." I mumbled.

A look of concern washed over her face, "Is something wrong?"

I just shrugged.

She gave me a small smile, "Well, I'm gonna help your Dad and Uncle Jerry bring some of his stuff in, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay. I'm going to my room."

Without waiting for her to respond, I made my way to the stairs. I didn't even remember an "Uncle Jerry", and I wasn't too interested in meeting him.

The moment I got to my room, I shut the door behind me, and climbed into my bed. The shuffling and conversation downstairs could be heard throughout the entire house. I began to drift to sleep, curling up into a fetal position.

What seemed like only a small time later, I was woken by a soft knock on my bedroom door. I glanced at the brightly lit digital clock in my room, which shone through the darkness, lighting up a small area of the bedroom. It was almost ten at night, I had slept for about six hours.

"Y-Yeah?" I mumbled, sleepily.

"It's Uncle Jerry," the faintly familiar voice answered, "You mind if I come in?"

"Um, I guess not." I responded, uneasily.

I watched as the doorknob slowly turned, and a dim light illuminated the room. A hand reached in, fumbling for the light switch, until it succeeded and momentarily blinded me.

I don't even know who this guy is. I can't just let him come in here.

But, once I saw him, I realized I did know him. The memories flooded back in, all at once. I sat up immediately, pulling my legs towards my chest.

"Hey, Little Jay. You're not so little anymore, huh?" He smiled, making his way over to me.

I panicked, speechless, as he sat on the bed, near my feet.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." He placed his hand on my knee, and I instinctively jerked away.

He looked surprised, "What's wrong?"

I didn't respond, just sat in silence, watching him intently.

Get the fuck away from me.

He sighed, "You're not gonna talk to me?" I couldn't speak. I felt as if I was being asphyxiated. Giving a creepily playful frown, he added, "Alright, I guess I'll try again tomorrow. Goodnight, Johnathan."

He gave me a quick wink before standing up, walking out the doorway, and closing the door behind him, leaving me alone and paralyzed with fear.

What are the odds, of all the people who could be staying with us for days, weeks maybe, that it is him?

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