Chapter Twenty-Three: Jimmy

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"Johnny?" I sat up quickly, looking around the empty bedroom, and the area of the bed where he slept the night before.

I stood, making my way to the living room of the apartment, "Jay, where are you?"

The bathroom door was open, and empty. The entire apartment was empty.

I looked at the clock on the wall, reading 7:47 AM.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing Johnny's number, "Come on, Johnny, come on."

I cursed the moment I heard the voicemail recording begin playing, throwing my phone at the wall. I stood, clueless, for several minutes, before finally regaining myself, grabbing my phone and keys, and leaving the apartment.


I slammed my fist repeatedly against the front door of the Seward's home. After no one answered, I pounded against it again, intent on getting inside.

After what seemed like forever, Johnny's mother opened the door, still in pajamas, appearing as if she had just woken up.

"James? What's wrong."

I ignored her question, pushing past her and almost running up their stairs. I ran into Johnny's bedroom, looking around to find it was empty.

Johnny's mom followed me, "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

"Where is Johnny?" I snapped, beginning to panic.

The fear ripped at me, seemingly suffocating me with confusion and terror. What if he hurt himself?

"I-I don't know, I just woke up. What happened?" I could see the horror in her eyes, fearing for her son's life.

I ignored her question, once more, "Has he every just... I don't know, disappeared like this?" I asked, digging my teeth into my lower lip.

His mother looked at the floor, searching her thoughts. I wanted to scream at her, to tell her Johnny's life could be on the line, but I knew it would only make it even more difficult for her to think.

"Uh, he goes to the woods behind our house sometimes." She finally blurted out, speaking so quickly I was almost unable to understand her.

I ran past her, almost tripping down the stairs because of how swiftly I was moving. I had to, though. For Johnny.

I bursted through the back door, sprinting towards the woods behind the Seward's house.

"Follow the trail!" Johnny's mom called after me, but did not accompany me. I knew she wanted to come, but decided against it, knowing it was my own problem to solve.

I was almost gasping for breath by the time I reached the start of the forest, but I didn't give up running. My chest burned and my legs felt like rubber. I followed the dirt trail that Mrs. Seward had told me about.

"Johnny?" I called out, panting, "Where are you?"

No response. I prayed to whatever God I believed in that everything was okay. I slowed my pace, unable to push on no matter how much I wanted, and needed to. As I gazed over the entire area of the forest before me, I finally spotted Johnny. His maroon colored hoodie covered him, as he leaned against a large tree trunk.

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