Chapter Ten: Johnny

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Jimmy had explained to me in the car that Matt had his own apartment, but he would be kicked out if he hosted a party there. So instead, he decided to have it at his parents' house.

As Jimmy and I entered the front door of Matt's house, we were immediately greeted by blaring music. Matt and his girlfriend, Valary, were giving out cans of beer to everyone. As soon as Matt saw us, he rushed over. He greeted us, gave us the beer, and said a few things to Jimmy, which I didn't catch. To be honest, I didn't want to be at the party. I felt uncomfortable, and continuously zoned out, being torn away from reality by my thoughts.

Matt walked away, and Jimmy nudged my shoulder. I turned to him, studying his confused expression.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded, "I'm fine."

He gave me a disbelieving look and sighed.

"Please, just trust me."

"Okay." He mumbled, and took a sip of his beer.

After a while, the thoughts became worse and worse. All I wanted was for them to go away.

The music seemed to get louder and louder, and I desperately needed to get away. I told Jimmy I was going to the bathroom, and made my way down a hallway. I had no idea where the bathroom was, but eventually I had found it.

The second I walked in, I slammed the door shut and slid onto the floor. I began crying.

Why? I don't know.

I began to shake uncontrollably, and felt as if I couldn't breathe. All I wanted was to feel safe again. I didn't like all the people, yelling and dancing, all drunk as fuck.

Drunk people always scared me.


After finally calming down, which seemed as if it took forever, I left the bathroom. I got another beer, and drank it as I searched for Jimmy. I found him standing with Brian, who was already drunk as hell. Jimmy seemed like he was also well on his way there.

Not wanting to interrupt them, I uncomfortably stood against the wall, finally noticing the affects of the beer taking place.

Zacky noticed me standing alone, and began walking towards me.

"Uh, are you okay?" He asked, looking me over

I nodded, and he clearly didn't believe me.

"Something is bothering you. Stop worrying about it, get smashed, and you'll forget all about it." He laughed as he handed me another beer.

I sighed, taking a sip from it, wondering if it would actually make me forget.


By the time the party was ending, and most people were leaving, I was only slightly buzzed. Jimmy, on the other hand, was completely hammered. He stumbled around, laughing at literally everything. Then, he caught my eye and immediately began walking towards me.

Oh boy, I thought, almost giggling, here he comes.

"Hey, Johnny, c'mere. I wanna show you something." He mumbled, his words slurred.

I willingly followed him, as he led me up the stairs. Then, at the top, he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into Matt's bedroom.

"What're you doing, Jimmy?" I asked, furrowing my brows. I began to panic, thinking of all of the possible things he could do to me.

No. I trust Jimmy. Right?

He closed the door behind us, and very gently pushed my back against it.

I was unsure how to feel. I was partly gripped with fear, and extremely uncomfortable. But at the same time, I was curious.

Jimmy leaned forward, his face only an inch from mine. I could smell the alcohol under his breath. And then, I could taste it. His lips connected to mine, as I instantly closed my eyes, savoring the sweet taste of his lips mixed with whatever beer he had been drinking.

It didn't last long, and Jimmy took a step back.

"I love you, Johnny."

He gave me a drunken smile, and gently moved me away from the door. Then, opened it and disappeared through the doorway, as I stood, puzzled.

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