Chapter 6 (Edited)

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~Last night~

I heard soft snores coming from Hailey. I looked over to find her head laying on my shoulder, sound asleep. She looked so...peaceful...beautiful even. Wait...she's just my friend...right? I shook the thoughts from my head and slowly got up, wrapping one arm on her back, the other under her knees. I picked her up bridal style and carried her slowly, making sure not to hit her head on anything. Luckily her door was open to her room. I walked to her bed and laid her down and pulled the covers over her body. Wow. She really did look beautiful...I shook my head and went back downstairs. I switched the show over to Glee. Yes, I loved Glee. I watched a couple episodes of that and before I knew it, it was 10:30. I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep. I fell asleep.

I woke back up to Hailey, shaking me. She woke me up and walked with me upstairs to my room and covered me up. I didn't want to sleep alone...

"Hailey.." I called out, before she could shut the door.

"Yeah?" She said, turning around, looking at me.

"Stay..." Was all I said and she shut the first I thought she was going to leave me but then I felt the bed dip down beside me indicating someone was next to me. She turned so her back was to me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I fell asleep soon after that.

Next morning

I woke up and found Hailey still sound asleep. Except she was on my chest and my arm wrapped around her waist. I liked this position to be honest. I smiled and laid there thinking.

She looked so beautiful last night and she still does even with the little drool on her chin, her hair in every direction and no makeup on and her mouth slightly open. She looked beyond gorgeous yesterday on the beach..I've always kinda liked started freshman year. Man she was so pretty back then. Her blonde hair was medium length and her blue eyes always stood out. Her teeth were always brushed and pearly white. I sat behind her in science every day and loved it because she always smelt good. Like lilacs. Then after spring break when we came back she had long, thick, shiny blonde hair and she started to fill out in the chest and butt area. I never said anything because I knew I didn't have a shot with her at all. I hadn't even hit puberty until sophomore year. When she was surrounded by her friends she was always smiling or laughing.

I felt her move which snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down to find her dark blue eyes staring right back into my own ocean blue ones. She smiled then blushed when she realized the position we were in.

We heard a clap of thunder and she shrieked.

"Woah. What's wrong? It's just thunder.." I ask her.

"I don't like thunder. Or lighting.." She said after a minute.

"I'll keep you safe then silly. Come here." I held her closer to me. She didn't seem to mind. I grinned and held her.

"Wanna watch some Netflix or something?" I ask in attempt to calm her down.

"I'm hungry though.." She said.

"Well let's go get something to eat." She nodded and got up, me following her. I really didn't want to move..

We just ate two bowls of cereal. After eating we made popcorn and some drinks and went to the living room and she put in 22 Jump Street in the DVD player. We sat down her laying a blanket over both of us. We sat rather closer to each other. I did the yawn-and-stretch-and-lay-my-arm-around-her-shoulder move. She giggled and sunk into my side actually. And I loved it. The movie started and we watched it.

After the movie got done we decided to eat lunch. She helped me and we made a small pot of spaghetti and meatballs. She went to the bathroom.

Suddenly I feel her grab my waist and go "boo!" Which caused me to jump. I turned around. I had just dipped my finger in the sauce. I turned around and smeared the sauce on the tip of her nose. She gasped.

"Oh I'll get you for that!" She said.

"Ooh! I'm so scared. You have to catch me first!" I said, laughing and running. She chased after me. I turned a sharp corner of the house and hid. I thought she had run past me when I turned the corner to run the direction I just came from only  to bump into her and knock her down. She grabbed my arm to balance herself but instead she dragged me down with her. I landed on top of her with her under me, breathing heavy. Probably from running. I looked down into her eyes and she looked up at mine.

Kiss her you idiot!! My brain yelled at me. So I did what it told me to. I bent down and kissed her soft, plump, pink lips. She didn't kiss back at first but she started to react. It's like our lips were meant for each other. I bite down lightly on her bottom lip which caused a small whimper to slip past her mouth, which let me have access to her mouth. I started French kissing her. She pulled away. But barely. Our foreheads were touching. I opened my eyes to find her searching my face. I blushed, suddenly ashamed of my previous actions. I jumped up and offered my hand, which she took. I pulled her up instantly and walked away.

"Alex...wait.." I heard her whisper. I stopped in my tracks, my back still to her.

"I think I like you..."

Bam. Cliff hanger. I'm sorry but I just had to try at least to make things a little more interesting. I know, it's pretty soon for them to kiss. And almost make out. But I kinda want to get things rolling. This is over a thousand words! Yay me! But anyway, thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote & comment!! Thanks everyone.



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