part 1

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It's dark and I can't see anything. My voice echo's as I say "hello" waiting for a response . I'm scared and not sure what to do. I hear something , muffled coming from somewhere, yet I'm not sure where. I don't even know where I am. I hear it again. "Jennifer...." I'm not sure where it is coming from but I hear it again. "Jennifer" as it starts to get slightly lighter I realize where I am and who is calling my name. "Jennifer Edward Joseph if you don't hurry up you are going to be late for school!" I am now fully awake. "Jennifer get out of bed" my mother chants again. "OK MOM" I said a little harshly back looking at the time on my phone. It's 5:30am. I don't have to be at school until 7:00 but I like to get there at 6:45 because of parking. I hate looking for a spot. I hate having to wake up this early. I hate school. But luckily it's Thursday so only one more day until I can watch Netflix in all of my blankets. Unbothered by people and the stupid world. Sometimes I wish I had a friend to spend time with and talk to , but i'm not really good at talking to people without becoming anxious. I step out of the shower and dry myself off putting my dark brown hair into a lazy bun. I put on some skinny blue jeans with a rip on one of the knees and a black Adidas sweatshirt. I put on my white converse and head out the door with my black backpack and lock the door. My car is an old blue Saturn that I bought myself after saving up since freshman year when I got my old job at Publix. I don't work right now i'm to focused on applying to collages and keeping my grades up. I put the key in the ignition and turn. I put on some music and head to school. When I pull into the parking lot I park in the spot closest to the exit so after school I can easily leave the parking lot. I walk through the double doors leading into my dreadful school. I have gone here for four years and this isn't the worst year. but still it's school no matter how you think about it. After the bell for first period rings I go to my locker shove a few books in my backpack and make my way to chemistry. I love science and the teacher is so fun and understanding that I don't feel comfortable answering questions in front of the class. I take my usual seat in the back corner so i'm not very noticed. The second bell rings indicating that first period has begun. People are talking and the teacher is organizing paper's on his desk and clicking away on his computer with a few glances up now and then to see who is here and if we are behaving. "Okay class quiet down.. " Mr.Dun says as the class adjusts themselves in their desks preparing for class work. He hands out worksheets and explains what we are doing and how to do it. I'm finished in ten minutes. Once the bell rings I make sure i'm the first one out of the room. I was carrying a folder and two books because I didn't have time to put them in my book bag and be the first one out of the hectic classroom. I'm rushing to my second period class and looking at the ground quietly through the loud hallways when I realize my papers are scattered and my books are on the ground. "i'm sorry , here let me help" an unfamiliar voice says as i'm still in confusion of what just happened. A boy helps me off the ground then picks up my papers and books handing them to me. "again i'm so..."   "it's fine" I cut him off with a gentle smile. "Okay well if you ever want to..." is he seriously hitting on me? It was nice that he picked up my books but seriously?? " Hey why don't you go talk to someone in your lane?" another unfamiliar voice says as the previous boy walks off into the crowded hall. "Jeni right?" he asks. "Jennifer..." I say uncomfortable with the fact that he isn't calling me by my name and he just came out of nowhere. "Okay well i'll see you around Jeni" he says with a smirk and walks off in his grey sweater.  What was that?

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