part 3

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It's dark again. I'm in that place again. The place where I can feel the sadness and fear. "Jennifer" I hear my name whispered over and over before being awoken by my alarm. I get up and walk to the bathroom and brush my hair leaving it down and wavy. I apply some mascara and walk back into my room. I grab a plane black T-shirt and leggings and put them on and look at myself in my mirror. Don't I look colorful today. I put on my maroon jacket over the shirt and put on my white converse. I have some extra time before I have to leave so I grab my phone and I have two text messages from an unknown number. "did you do the chem hw? "  "be a sport and let me get those answers".

"Be a sport?" who says that. It's Andrew obviously. My car is at the shop. damn. My phone starts ringing. 


"Hey you coming?"


"I'm outside. Do you want a ride to school or not?"

He didn't discuss this with me so I want to decline, but there's no way in hell i'm taking the bus.

"Okay, I'll be out in a sec."

"Okay bye."  He says kindly before hanging up. 

I walk outside and there he is in his car. I open the door and sit down next to him.  "Good morning Jeni" he says and he starts driving. "Good morning..." I say back with an additude because he won't call me 'Jennifer'. There is an awkward silence before I break it. "How did you get my number?" He looks at the steering wheel and laughs. Was that some joke I don't know yet? "You left your planner under the tree and your number was in it. So I helped myself."  damn it i'm so stupid. "Well can I have it back?" Andrew points to the small space between us and there it is. I take my planner and put it in my backpack. Once we pull into the parking lot I look at the time and realize it's 6:55 and I still have to get to my locker and Andrew is taking his sweet time unlocking the door and when he finally does I spot Isabella across the parking lot. "bye see you in first." and I practically sprint across the parking lot to catch up to Isabella. Catching my breath I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around then smiled. "hey Jennifer" "Hey Isabella" and we walked to her locker which coincidentally was right next to mine so by the time we were done grabbing the needed books out the bell for first period rang and i made my way to chemistry and saw Andrew already sitting next to my seat and i walked over and sat down. Mr. Dun was sitting at his desk chair. "everyone grab a study packet and start working on it, there will be a substitute next week because i'll be out of town so behave." Andrew looks at me and smiles then whispers "i'll grab your paper." And he got up and grabbed my packet. While he walked back I just thought to myself  how is it that i've gone through four years of high school and ten years of school before that, how  is it that this is the first year of school i'm making friends. Andrew gave me my paper and I began reading about the chemical make up of rocks. Before I knew it first period was over and I was on my way to second period which was art class and even though i can't draw i enjoy that class because the teacher plays relaxing music. I spent the entire class period sketching tiny circles on my paper and thinking about whether or not i should invite Isabella to come to my house tonight. third period went by really quickly and before I knew it I was on my way to lunch where I didn't see Andrew at his table but I kept walking and made my way toward my usual spot under the oak tree and I wasn't paying attention but as i sat down I realized I wasn't alone. Andrew was sitting beside me, only he was crying and he had his head between his knees. "Andrew..?" I said softly putting one hand on his shoulder because I wasn't quite sure how to deal with this situation. As soon as he realized I was there he stopped crying quicker than i'd realized and when he looked up I noticed he had a black eye and a scratch on his neck. "Oh my god.. w-what happened" i choked because i was shocked to see he was injured. "Nothing... just got in a fight with one of my 'friends'. don't worry about it." I didn't know what to say so I pulled out my book and he was quiet for a while. Then he broke the silence, "Jeni, you don't talk much. Why is that?" I don't know maybe because I never have any idea what to say and I get nervous around anything that breathes. "I guess I just like being alone." he looked around for a second before responding. "well do you want to be my friend? I mean i'm really not a douche once you get to know me" he said with a smirk. "I never said you were a douche, but I guess. You gave me a ride to and from school so I think we can be friends." After I said tht he smiled and turned to me and gave me a hug. "what the fuck are you doing!?" i exclaimed and he let go of me. "I was just giving you a hug because we're friends now." he said. "well don't... it's weird." He chuckled then said "okay Jeni." I have only known him since yesterday but it's so annoying that he keeps calling me 'Jeni' when he knows I liked to be called Jennifer. The bell for fifth period rang and I made my way to English and Andrew followed. I walked in and saw Isabella and a smile grew across my face and I took my seat next to her. "Hey Jennifer." She said and I said "hey" back. There was a substitute so obviously everyone was talking. Andrew pulled up a chair next to us and we all talked about what we want to do for college and what our future plans are. I invited Isabella to stay over at my house and she said she'd ask her mom and let me know by seventh period.

After sixth period, which I practically slept through, I saw Isabella and she said she couldn't come over which made me sad but she said she'd come over Saturday night so that made me happy. once the day was finally over I walked to my locker to put some books inside and I saw Andrew walking toward me. "Need a ride home again?" I smiled and nodded because I still don't have my car until Sunday. Then I closed my locker and Andrew said "Come on Tara." and a girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes with way to much make-up came running up to Andrew and grabbed his hand. "Hey babe" she said and kissed his cheek shooting me a nasty glare. "Hey baby, I just have to drop off my friend at home and then we'll go." what. I didn't know he had a girlfriend.. not that it bothers me but I don't like the way she acts. We pulled up to my house and I opened the car door. "Thanks for the ride Andrew, see ya next week." and I made my way up the driveway. What the hell was that "see ya next week."  I really need to fix the way I socialize. I went inside and took a shower then fell asleep. When I woke up it was 11:04pm and I had one missed call from my mom and a text. It read , "I went out of town with your father for the weekend, there's $80 on the counter for food or any emergancies, Love you!" great at least I have the house to myself for the weekend. I went down stairs to grab a drink and the doorbell rang. It was Andrew. He was sobbing and had more injuries so I let him in. "what happened?" 

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