part 2

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After the third period bell rings I make my way to lunch. I stop at my locker first to put those books and the folder away. I then walk through the double doors of my lunch room and see the nameless boy who called me "Jeni" earlier sitting with a group of boys. They are talking and laughing, except him. Although he sat there, you could see in his face he didn't feel like a part of the group. He caught me staring at him and I quickly rushed out of the back door heading to where I usually sit. Under an oak tree and just read for the lunch period. I sat down and my thoughts drifted off into my book. Then my focus was interrupted by someone sitting down next to me. "Hey Jeni" the nameless boy said. I put my book down and looked at him. Why was he talking to me? I don't know him and he already gave me a nickname. "What do you want?" I said quietly while picking at my nails. "to talk to you." It was nice and all that he wanted to talk to me but i'm really bad at socializing. Especially to boys. "Oh well, don't you have all your friends to talk to?" I said and his face went from a smile to slightly upset. "They are not my friends" he said a bit harshly. "oh" I almost whispered and looked down at my fingers again. "What's your name anyway?" I asked because I still didn't know his name.  "Andrew." I didn't say anything. It was a nice name but I still don't understand why he's talking to me. " I have to go " I said becoming anxious and grabbed my bag and book and nearly sprinted away before Andrew could say another word. I ran into the girls bathroom and closed myself in a stall. I'm 17 , why am I so nervous around people. when the bell for fifth period finally rings i make my way to my english class and take my seat in the back. Then Andrew walked in. I didn't know he was in my class, well i never really payed attention. He scanned the room and noticed me and made his way over to the desk next to me. Great now I have to deal with him. The bell rang and class had started. We had twenty minutes of reading time so I pulled out my book and began drifting off into the story when a folded piece of paper landed on my desk. I frantically looked at the teacher to make sure she didn't notice then I shot Andrew a nasty glare, as he had interrupted my reading. Then I unfolded the tiny piece of paper and it read : hey Jeni, sorry I scared you off like that. You shouldn't worry , I don't bite.  I folded the piece of paper and put it in my book bag so he wouldn't do anything else. After our reading time was over the teacher handed us worksheets and said to work in partners. So that meant I was working by myself. I wrote my name at the top of the paper and began working when somebody pulled up a chair. Are you kidding me can't he just leave me alone. I looked up with a mad face just to realize it was only a girl I had never seen before and I wiped the mean look off of my face. "Hi i'm Isabella, can I work with you?" She had long brown hair and tan skin and had the nicest smile on her face. I nodded my head yes and we began working. We finished in about six minutes and had the rest of the class so she told me about how her dad got a job working in some hard wear store that payed a lot so she had to move here. I could tell she was new. We got a long really well and I could tell this was the beginning of a friendship. Or maybe this was a dare and i'm going to get tied to a flag pole in my sleep. My next few classes flew by and i saw Isabella a few times in the hallway and in seventh period. I was making my way to my car to finally go home when my car wouldn't start. This is just great. My mom is at work and won't be able to pick me up and my little sister can't drive. I put my head on the wheel and sighed then jolted up in my seat because Andrew tapped on my window. "need a ride" his mouth worded. I knew it was my only choice so I got out of my car and followed him to his car. It was a cherry red jeep but it had doors and a solid roof. It was a really nice car. He opened the door for me and I climbed up into the seat. Once he got in on his side he turned on the radio and we drove out of the parking lot. "Where am I going Jeni?" he said. "Don't call me Jeni, my name is Jennifer." he just laughed. "haha sorry Jeni. Now where to?" I shrugged because I knew he wouldn't let this go and we drove back to my house. "Thanks for the ride Andrew..." I said to be polite. He now knows where I live. "Anytime Jeni." He said pulling his hair out of his face. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car and walked up the driveway and I could hear his car drive off in the distance. I typed in the code to unlock my garage door. 18111. And the garage opened and I made my way inside. I walked up to my room, put my stuff down and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. "what a day" I thought while getting into the shower.

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