Six of Diamonds

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West stomped into the school Monday morning, a dark scowl on his face making students and faculty alike scurry out of his way. They'd heard long ago about rumours of his past and no one wanted to see if the Cubano had lost his violent temper or if it was just held in reserve. Then again, after last week the cat was pretty much out of the bag on how violent he could be in a very short period of time. That poor girl, Alice, had been drugged and attacked by three dumba** students so they could try and rape her. It made him ashamed of his gender that this was probably not the first time they'd done that to someone though it was certainly the last.

Chirs was in the hospital still, not so badly hurt as the other two, just they'd had to put a pin in his arm to get the elbow in the right position again. The other two were still in the ICU, Eddie had a fracture in his neck and the other kid's skull had cracked open. And West hadn't even been trying. At least his conscious was clear, he hadn't accidentally killed anyone this time around.

He knew that Alice would be coming back into the school today, though his entire concept of her had changed. First of all he had realized that the beautiful Alice had already been swept off her feet by Reaper, and West still held too much respect for the once fellow gang member to ever poach on his territory. Secondly, after rescuing her last week, Alice had gone from sexy-girl-he-wanted-to-bang to little-sister-he-needed-to-protect. Not that he wouldn't jump all over that if she were to suddenly become single, which he doubted.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Romeo asked West, the only person not terrified of West's black mood. Not that Romeo was brave, no, he just knew that West wouldn't fly off the handle at him unless absolutely necessary.

"My father." West growled back. He didn't need to say anything more, Romeo had met the oh-so-proper West Sr. Westly Sr had somehow gotten it into his head that West had been in the wrong last week. His father had given West no chance to explain that he hadn't attacked the other students, they had attacked him, and he only got involved because they were trying to assault a female student. All Westley Sr had seemed to care about was that his illegitimate son had been involved in another 'altercation', this time at school. So somehow, the hero West, had ended up grounded. Until the police officers came by to take his statement and his father had been there to see the Officers commend him on his bravery.

To say things were awkward between West and his dad would be an understatement. Their uneasy relationship was only further complicated by the fact that Westley Sr had been an unmitigated a** and now had to apologize for it, something the elder Westley almost never did. So instead of actually saying six simple words 'I am sorry, I was wrong', Westley Sr had decided to try and make amends by buying his son a new vehicle to replace the beat up k-car West had bought with his own money. Though West could admit to himself that he loved his new Hummer, he refused to let the old man know this.

Romeo left West to his foul mood and the Cuban snarled his way through Philosophy. For once the teachers didn't harp on him in Maths Block, seeming to realize that the Los Santos was one wrong word away from an outburst. He heard a few students whispering about what had happened to the new girl and he lost all sembalance of calm.

"If you people don't leave her the f*** alone I will hunt each and everyone of you down and show you just how unfriendly I can be. Do you understand me?" he shouted at the group discussing Alice. Everyone in class turned to stare at him, eyes wide with fear. Even the teacher looked ready to piss himself. "You tell everyone you have to that she is to be left alone. You can be nice, or be dead, your choice." He warned, grabbing his bag and walking out even though class wasn't finished.

He tore open his locker and slammed the door shut, storming into the gym. The locker room had been taped off all last week, but the police had finally cleared the scene and let the school reopen it. West made it outside without hearing anyone needing his help this time, and lit the cigarette as soon as he made it outside. The nicotine rushed to his head and he blew the toxic smoke out, making a face at the horrible taste. "Not worth it." he spat, trying to get the nasty flavour out of his mouth while he crushed it under foot. He pulled out his 'emergency' smoke and lit it instead. It looked like a cigarette, but most certainly wasn't.

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