Seven of Hearts and Seven of Diamonds

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A/N: PassionateWriterGirl was also kind enough to point out where my tenses have gone astray :D


Maddison was swinging on her hammock, humming softly to herself while the breeze rustled the palm tree right next to her balcony. The evening rain was coming but she didn't care to go inside, content instead to stay out here and enjoy the spectatular sunset she could see racing the rain.

It had been a very long day. Today was Malcolm's day off which mant that Maddison and Mr. Bottomswell had to herd the students all day which was.... an experience she never wanted to repeat again. It had been fun, but it amazed her how a little freedom seemed to knock the common sense out of these kids' heads. Students that had been disciplined and cautious at school suddenly couldn't do anything without it being a really bad idea and getting yelled at. It had been more frustration than fun, a fact that Mad lamented because she had loved seeing West in a culture that was at least similar to his own. She was trying to figure out how to go visit Cuba with him after this, see what it's like with a Native guide.

"You have that smile on your face that lets me know you're thinking of me." West's voice was rich with amusement.

"How do you know I'm not thinking about that tour guide who kept trying to get me to take his number hmmm?" Maddison replied, not turning around to face him. West growled at her words and she grinned, doing her best to keep the smile out of her voice. "I mean, he was tall, dark and handsome.... any woman would b-" she didn't get to finish the teasing, as West grabbed her face gently, tilted her head back and kissed her, swallowing the words before she could taunt him with them.

"You're mine." West whispered against her lips and Maddison blinked her eyes open, a flush coming to her cheeks when she felt a thrill of excitement at his words. Maddison smiled at her boyfriend as he refused to let go of her completely, fingers trailing from holding her face, to tracing along her jaw and finally weaving his fingers into hers. He gently tugged her off the hammock as the evening rain started to dribble around them.

Maddison laughed, closing her eyes and tilting her face up into the rain. The evening rain storm lasted maybe ten minutes, but during those ten minutes, a lake's worth of rain fell, a hard tattoo against her skin. She loved how it felt like she was being pummelled clean by the rain, a wet, natural massage. West stood with her in the rain, letting her enjoy the sensation and only tucking her into the circle of his arms as the rain started to ease up. Both of them were drenched and a shiver danced it's way down Mad's spine as the breeze picked up again, cutting through the layers of her wet clothes to send goosebumps down her skin.

"It seems I have to get you out of these wet clothes...." West rumbled with a laugh.

"You're just jealous that you weren't the one to make me all wet." Maddison teased. West smiled at her and raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes gltitering with the electricity he shot through her skin whenever they touched.

"Not jealous no. Planning to take advantage of..... yes." he grinned and kissed her again, letting her pull him inside and away from potential eyes.

"I don't know if I can let you do that. Take advantage of me I mean. That would be immoral of me. Corrupting a youth like that." Maddison joked, trying to look seriously concerned.

West grinned at her and pulled his drenched top off and threw it at her, the wet fabric making a smack sound as the action caught her off guard and she wore the shirt to her face. West flinched a little and pulled his shirt off her and gave his Angel an apologetic smile. "I know my body is distracting, but I really meant for you to catch that with your hands, not your teeth." he teased.

King of Hearts (House of Cards Series 2) [Student/teacher]Where stories live. Discover now