Chapter 1

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<Annie's pov>
Today Katie and her family are coming over and I'm so excited! The we're going to make up routines on the trampoline go out for pizza and ice cream, and then they're sleeping over! I'm setting up my room for the sleepover when the doorbell rings. "I GOT IT!" my voice echoes through the house. I open the door and find Brennan standing there. I have to be honest, he looked good. I never really thought that I liked Brennan that much but right now, he looked stunning. He was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans and his hair looked perfect. He was the only one at the door because everyone else was unpacking the car. "Hey Annie, how are you?" he asked. "Oh I'm good, how are you?" I replied. I mentally face palmed myself. 'That's the best you can do Annie?!' I thought to myself. "Great! I can't wait to spend the day with you guys today! It's gonna be awesome!" he said excitedly. "Yep! Come on in!" I opened the door a little more, motioning for him to come in. "Thanks!" he came inside. "Heyy dude!" Caleb said as Brennan walked in. "'Sup?" Brennan replied high fiving Caleb. "ANNIEEEEE!" I heard before being tackled by Katie. "Katie! You're finally here!" I turned around and gave her a hug. "Katie, can you come help me with the sleeping bags hun?" Katie's mom yelled from outside. "Coming mom!" she ran out the door. "Caleb!! What is this mess?! Come clean your room!" Mommy yelled from downstairs. "Moooooooommm!" Caleb whined heading down the steps. That left just me and Brennan. "Here, let me help you up" he said grabbing by hand. "Thanks" I replied after standing. I stood up and we looked into each other's eyes, for a long time.
Then, as our lips were about to touch, Katie came bursting through the door. "I'm baaaaaack!" she yelled. Brennan and I jumped apart even though Katie didn't even notice anything happened. "So Katie, do you want to go out on the trampoline?" I asked avoiding Brennan's eyes. "Yeah sure!" We start heading to he back door and I looked back at Brennan and he had a look in his eyes that I couldn't read. I felt bad for leaving him like that but I couldn't let Katie know that we almost kissed. What am I supposed to do?!
<Brennan's pov>
What just happened? I always knew that I had feelings for Annie but I didn't think they were this big. I've liked her since I was 9 and now I'm 16 and she's 14. I was literally about to kiss Annie but my sister ruined that!! They just went out onto the trampoline so I grabbed my phone and texted Annie.
B: 'I need to talk to you later'
A: 'Okay, meet me in my room in 15 minutes'
B: 'I'll be there👍🏻'
A: 'I gtg, Katie needs me. See you soon!😊'
<Annie's pov>
"Annie, who are you texting?" Katie asked. "O-oh nothing- no one- so do you want to make up that routine now?" I stuttered. "Uh sure" she said turning away. I could tell she was suspicious but she just brushed it off. We spent about 10 minutes on our routine and then I told Katie I had to use the bathroom and headed to my room. I took a deep breath and entered. Brennan wasn't hear yet so I decided to tidy up a bit. I sat down on my bed with my phone just as Brennan entered. "Hey" he mumbled. "Hey Brennan. Come sit" I said patting the spot next to me on my bed. He sat down and twiddled his thumbs awkwardly. "So you needed to talk to me about something...?" I asked. "Yeah, so I just wanted to tell you that I do have feelings for you and you may or may not like me back. I just needed to get it off my chest." he said almost in one breath. "Brennan, I-" "You guys okay in here?" Mommy cut me off, barging into my room. "Yeah, we're fine mom, just talking about Katie's, um surprise birthday party" I replied quickly. "Oh okay. Well there's snacks in the kitchen, if you guys want some." "Okayyy mom." I said as she finally left. "Brennan look, before were interrupted again, I want you to know that I really like you too. But I don't think we can be together. What if Katie and Caleb find out, or our parents? And the fans would go crazy..." He cut me off. "Who said any of them have to know?"
<Katie's pov>
Annie just left me on the trampoline for 10 minutes so I went inside. I went to check in her room and found her talking to Brennan. This is the second time I've found them together. My birthday is coming up soon, maybe they're planning that! "Hey guys! Whatcha doin?" I asked, sitting down on the bed. "Nothing, just talking" Brennan replied. "Cool. Well, mom said were leaving for pizza soon. I have to go help Miss Katie set up the basement for the sleepover. You coming?" I questioned. "Yeah we'll be there soon" Annie said.
<Brennan's pov>
Katie left and I looked back at Annie. "So... Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "If its just between us, then yes" she replied, blushing. I just looked down and smiled but in my head I was freaking out. I can't believe I just did that! Annie's my girlfriend now! The only downside is that I can't brag about it. Oh well, I know how lucky I am and that's all that matters. I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door.
<Annie's pov>
We walked out the door and when we turned the corner, daddy was standing there. Brennan and I immediately jumped away from each other. "Hey guys! Where are you going?" he asked. "We're going to help set up the basement." Brennan replied. "Cool! Mommy set out some snacks if you guys want any." Daddy said. "Thanks dad. We'll be downstairs if you need us" I said.
<Hayley's pov>
"MOMMY! I just did my back handspring on the ground myself!!!" I yelled. I was so happy!! I turned around and saw Annie running toward me. "No way!! I'm so proud of you Hayley!! Can I see?" she exclaimed. "Yeah! Come on!" I said pulling her outside. "Can I see too?" Brennan asked before we reached the door. "No" I replied, trying to keep a straight face. He smile disappeared and he looked speechless. "JUST KIDDING! Of course you can see! Come on!" I loved messing with Brennan, he's so gullible, just like Annie. Hm, I never thought about it but Annie and Brennan would be a good couple. I wonder if they like each other.... Nah, probably not.

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