Chapter 3

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<Brennan's pov>
"Mom no I can't!!" I yelled. "Brennan, you have no choice. If you don't then we can't make YouTube videos anymore and your sister loves doing it, she loves it. I'm sorry, you have to" she replied walking away. I sit on the couch and put my head in my hands. This would break Annie's heart, I can't! Katie's YouTube career is just taking off and I can't let her down either. I don't know what to do. Maybe Annie would understand? Maybe Katie wouldn't miss YouTube that much? I have to do this. I'll explain it to Annie and if she really loves me she'll understand. This is crazy. I can't believe I have to fake a relationship with Liv in front of my girlfriend.
<Liv's pov>
I just got an email telling me that I now have to fake a relationship with Brennan for 'publicity' or whatever. I still like Brennan but I couldn't do that to Annie. Then I read down in the email. If I don't do it then I can't do YouTube anymore! What?! I can't! Even though I really like Brennan.... Well, maybe it wouldn't be that bad. This way I would at least be able to date Brennan without Annie getting in the way. I know that I forgave Annie, it was all an act. Of course I'm mad at her!! Now she gets to be mad at me.
<Annie's pov>
I re-read the text from Brennan and my heart shatters. Does this mean we have to break up? It feels like he's cheating if we still date but I can't live without him. The last words break my heart. 'I love you and I always will' How is that supposed to help me let go? I decided to text him back. "Brennan I can't live without you. It won't seem right to date when you're in a 'relationship' with Liv but I want to. I love you too much. I understand if you'd rather not or if it's too uncomfortable but it would be too hard to let you go. Are we still on for our date tonight? Text me soon, love you. -Anniexx" I hope he responds. A few seconds later a text pops up. It reads, 'I'm very sorry Annie but I can not be with you anymore. I have realized that I like Liv and my feelings for you were not true. I will continue my relationship with Liv happily and I hope we can still be friends. -Brennan' After reading it, I break down. My heart could not be more broken. Tears stream down my cheeks as I read the text over and over again which causes me to cry harder. There is then a knock on the door. "GO AWAY!" I scream. "Annie, let me in" Caleb's voice speaks calmly. I stand up and open the door. I see his worried face and I cry into his shoulder.
<Caleb's pov>
Annie cries really hard into my shoulder and I'm curious as to what happened. I then see her phone sitting on the bed with Brennan's texts on the screen. "Let's sit on the bed" I say. She lightly nods her head and as we sit, I grab her phone and read the message. "Oh Annie" I say softly. She cries harder. "Look, he doesn't deserve you okay? And if he's too blind to see how amazing you are, that's his loss, not yours. You're the most amazing little girl I know, as well as the strongest. No matter what they do to try and hurt you, you'll get through this. And I'll be with you every step of the way. I love you Annie" I say gently. "I love you too Caleb. Thank you" she whispers. We just sit there, hugging each other. "Should I block his number?" she asks. "That's up to you" I reply. She pulls out her phone and looks at me. I nod my head and she hits block number. "How does it feel?" I ask her. "Better all ready" she gives a slight smile.
<Liv's pov>
I'm on a 'date' with Brennan at his house and we're watching a movie when a text from Annie pops up on his phone screen. He's in the other room making popcorn so I decided to end whatever they have going on so Brennan can be committed to me. I type along paragraph and hit send just as the microwave goes off. Soon enough, I see the 'read, 9:34pm' below my text. I lock his phone and set it down in its original spot, smiling to myself. No more brannie, that's long gone.
<Brennan's pov>
As I sit back down, I shove the popcorn at Liv and grab my phone. "Thank you Brennan" she smiles and bats her eyelashes. "Sure, whatever" I mumble. I open my phone and Annie's texts pop up. I see a text that I didn't send saying that I'm done with Annie. What?! I NEVER sent that! "LIV!!! Did you send something to Annie?! I scream, standing up. "No, why do you say that brenny-boo?" "First, DONT call me that. Second, WHY would you send that to my one true love?!" "Because you're mine now. You agreed to this, I didn't agree for you. You gave up Annie for me. If you're too blind to see what you've done to her already, you're going to hurt a lot of people in your life. I didn't hurt her more, I made her let go easier. Goodnight Brennan, I'll let you sleep on this. Have your decision by tomorrow or Annie's feelings will be crushed even more. Good luck" she says walking out the door. What am I going to do?!
<Annie's pov>
I'm feeling much better since Brennan and I's breakup, I'm almost over him. There is still a part of me that just wants him here in my arms but I'm doing better. It's been a few days and I'm doing great. I get a text from Katie. It reads, 'Annie, you need to talk to Brennan. He's texted you about 200 times and he won't come out of his room. I've read some of his texts and Liv is going to try to hurt you even more. She'll stop at nothing to get Brennan. Please, if you're not going to forgive him, come and talk to him, today. And watch out, Liv is getting very serious. -Katie' I need to go see him.
<Brennan's pov>
I've been in my room for the past 3 days thinking about what to do. I haven't responded to Liv and now I'm worried about Annie. Annie... I miss her like crazy. What did I do wrong? I need her back. There's then a knock on my door. Every time someone has knocked on my door I've been hoping it was Annie but I've given up hope on that. I open the door to find..."Annie" I said, my eyes wide. "Hey" she replied, smiling. "C-come on in" I stuttered, opening the door more. She smiles at the ground and walks in, sitting on my bed. I sit down right next to her. "Annie I-" she cuts me off with a kiss. I grab her hand, like I always used to, and smile into the kiss, as does she. *click* I hear a camera snap a photo. I look out my window to see Liv running away with a camera. "DANGIT!" I scream at myself. "I can't believe I forgot to close the window!" I punch a pillow. Annie grabs my arm. "Hey, it's okay. I can deal with hate. I just don't want to loose you." she speaks softly. I nod and sit down with her. I pull out my phone and check Instagram to see a picture of us kissing all over the Internet, Annie looking over my shoulder. Yet again, the hashtag #brannie was trending again. "Annie I'm so sorry, you're going to get so much hate and it will be all my fault" I started to softly cry into my hands. Annie rubs by back. "Hey hey, it's fine. If you stay with me I'll be alright. Are we good?" she says. I nod and kiss her again. She pulls away for a second to say, "I'll take that as a yes?" "Of course" I reply. "Wait" I say quickly. "What's wrong?" she asks worriedly. "Our parents, Katie, Caleb, they're going to see the picture." I say. "Katie is never on Instagram, Caleb stopped using it ages ago, my parents only post things and your parents only post on YouTube. I think we're safe" she smiles. "I-I love you Annie" I stuttered, seeing it was the first time we've said it to each other. I had my eyes closed, fearing what she was going to say. "I love you too Brennan" she says. We both smile. Then, I get a text, the perfect text to ruin the moment.

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