Chapter 4

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Is it alright…if I fell for someone, and date with him? I don't have feelings for him. But I could tell how much he actually loves me. He's trying to take my heart away from you already. When you still can do something about this, please. I hope that you know my feelings. I hope that you can love me back.

I took a deep breath, and yes once again, and slipped it into the locker. It took me a long time to write such a heartbroken letter.

I wasn't expecting myself to tell him this, to be honest. 841. It had been a day since the incident that I mentioned in the letter happened.


"Yah, Heo Seolrim." He suddenly called, when the both of us are walking to the bus stop.

"What?" I asked him back.

"I love you." He suddenly said.

I thought that it's a joke again, so I replied, "Same."

"Heo Seolrim, look at me." He suddenly requested. We stopped at the bus stop. I turned around and looked at him, surprised with the all so sudden serious face that he's wearing.

"Sometimes, when a guy told you that he loves you, he might mean it, or he's just doesn't dare to confess to you, telling you that he really loves you."


"So, please don't just simply answer that guy like this, answering him that you love him too. That guy meant it. He been wanting to confess to you for a lot of times but he never dare. When he finally told you the three words, he used all of his courage, but all he got is jokes."

"What are you trying to tell me, Byun Baekhyun?" I frowned and asked him.

"I'm trying to tell you that every 'I love you' that I've told you is real. It is real that I love you, and I meant those three words. Not just the relationship between friends. I meant that kind of relationship between an ordinary girl and boy."

I was shocked. I myself never expected that. Byun Baekhyun? He loves me? He's serious about this?

Then suddenly I remembered Jongdae's words. "It's not that easy to confess. Just like umm well I don't even get that why isn't he confessing yet when he loves you for so long and he's really obsess with you."

It was Baekhyun that Jongdae is talking about. I looked to my side and was glad that the bus is here already.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I told him as I quickly hopped on the bus, and feeling glad that he isn't taking the same bus as I did.

End of flashback.

Well, things became awkward between the two of us. Even though we're in the same class, we don't talk much for yesterday. Or more like, I'm trying my best to avoid seeing him.

But something that I couldn't avoid is, yesterday, when I'm hanging out with the girls, we met him. He asked Myungeun if he can join us, and the rest gladly accepted.

Though right after that, I left them and went home earlier, and kind of disappointed the girls.

I told Jongdae about that, and he's like, "Oh! That's cool! Glad that he had finally confessing."

Well, don't mind him. Then, I told my sister. She said, "That's good. I've been wanting you to have a boyfriend so that you wouldn't always be in home and bothering me doing my college assignments."

Then, I told Luhan. Well, his reaction is same with Jongdae's too. I didn't tell anyone after that.

"Yah." I felt someone pulled my hair slightly from behind and called.

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