Author's notes

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It all ends in Chapter 16.🙈 Sorry for everything.

Phew like finally I've finished the whole story. I don't know if you guys ever like this story but I don't really like it lol. I'm gonna put my whole effort into the newest story, 'I should love you like I'm gonna lose you' for now.

I'm still thinking should I post 'Never or Ever' or not. Or maybe 'Lucky' which I've just recently thought of a new title for it? I planned to rewrite the whole story with a not so boring storyline.

My storyline is almost the same in every stories. Romance romance and romance. I want to write something about friendship, but most of my close friends are male, of course I have female close friends, but most of them are male. I found it hard for me to write a close friendship between girls, because I myself don't think that my friendship with my best friend is really really really close.

Hmm, so for this author notes I'm just going o type randomly - I'll just type out everything that I'm having in my mind the moment I type this so...expect a lot of fangirling over Jongdae and maybe some Blonde Suho as well. I am so addicted to blonde Suho these days. He looks so hot in blonde.

Have some blonde Suho here :3

Have some blonde Suho here :3

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I've still got a lot in my computer but these are just part of it lol

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I've still got a lot in my computer but these are just part of it lol. Myeon mama had became the fourth in my bias list because I suddenly thought about his handsome blonde hair a few days ago.

I've been watching Thunder's stage these days and it's seriously awesome as hell. The way all the boys dances omg😱 seriously loving the stage 💖

Well regarding to this story, I want to say a big thanks to everyone who read it till the end because this one sucks. I'm going to make sure that the next story wouldn't be as bad as this one. I've wrote till Chapter 4 for that story so far, but have to stop first for now since exam is coming.

Maybe once I finish my exams I'll be posting the story already. I'm not going to list out people who had voted or commented because it's midnight here already and I have to yeah.

Happy birthday to our maknae Sehun! You've turned 23 at last! Keep growing, kid ❤

Sorry for postponing the update date. I've told y'all that I'll be updating by 8th April which is EXO's 4th anniversary but ten I said that I'll post it before Luhan's birthday. I finished the last chapter in two hours :)) proud of myself haha.

Okay...the next story (probably the third last work of mine) will be posted after my exam finish, which will be the end of May.

Have a nice day, everyone!

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