Chapter 8

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I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen

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I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen. You meant a lot to me. Saranghae.

From your secret admirer.

Honestly, all these letters are creeping me out. It appears everywhere sometimes. Sometimes in my locker, sometimes when I was flipping the pages of textbooks, it appears, and sometimes, when I got back from recess, I found it together with some snacks.

It makes me want to know more about that person. I was curious that who he is.

Most of the times, he used lyrics from songs as letter, adding on one or two lines. For an example, this one. Whoever he is, he's brilliant. I think there's sometimes he asked people to write for him? And there's also some of the letters are printed, cut and paste from newspaper or magazine.

"What's today? Lyrics?" Jongdae asked.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, it's lyrics today."

"This guy is surely smart, Seol. You're in your luck."

"Whatever, I only has my eyes on him."

"But what if the person turns out to be him? What will you do?"

"Yah, Kim Jongdae. It isn't like the first day you know me." I smirked a bit and replied him.

"What will you do? Yah, that's a serious question."

"What will I do? Accept...maybe."

"Maybe? Dude, if the person who wrote you all this is him, maybe you'll accept him? Dude! That's means he likes you too!" Jongdae smacked on my head hardly.

I winced in pain as I fought back. "I wasn't thinking rightly since you're always smacking my head like this! And you do know the fact that I won't be in a relationship unless I graduate. Study wins over everything."

"That's because that thinking of yours that you don't get any boyfriend till now." Jongdae sighed and shook his head.

"Yah yah yah, don't talk like that. Seriously, for me, study is more important. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing wrong. Aish, I found it hard to talk with you. Heo Seolrim, though I've known you for eighteen years, but still, you're dumb." He got up from his seat and said.

"Where you're going?"

"Minseok and Joonmyeon's class." He replied shortly and walked away. That's a stupid reason duh. Minseok and Joonmyeon are in the same class as Yoonhye. Basically he's just going to date there.

Am I really that dumb? Like what had Jongdae said?

"Seol!" Someone patted my back slightly and called. I turned around and found Yixing sitting beside me.

"Oh, hi Yixing." I greeted him.

"Hello, Seol. Do you have textbook for Physics?" He asked.

"Forgot to bring it?" I smiled a little and took out my Physics textbook for him. Yixing is really forgetful so I always lend him textbooks in case he didn't bring his.

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