Chapter 12

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I plopped down in my bed as soon I reached the house. It was a tough day. Finally the finals are finished. The boys are going out for celebrate, while the girls too. I decided to come back home and catch a nice nap, as I was too exhausted.

"Seolrim! How are your exams?" Solji unnie happily opened the door of my room and asked.

"Good." I replied her, with a sleepy voice.

"You did great? I hope you did."

"Of course I did well enough, in my opinion. Now if you don't have anything to ask, let me rest." I told her.

I didn't know how long had I been sleeping. The only thing I know is, when I wake up, it's already night time, and Yixing, Luhan and Sehun are in my room, playing with their own stuffs.

"How the hell the three of you even got into my room?" I stared at them and asked.

"Umm, well, your sister let us enter the house." Luhan said.

"And she said we can come to your room if we want." Yixing added.

"And so we're here." Sehun nodded and concluded.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair and sighed deeply. "Get out now." I instructed them. The three of them looked at each other for a while, and then got out from the room.

I washed up myself and changed into my pajamas. My hair was still dripping wet. It was really noisy outside there. Wait a minute. Did the boys all came? Shit! My house is doom!

I quickly opened the door of my room and went to the living room. To my expectation, they are all there. I was shocked. Totally shocked. Oh well, there's also Yoonhye.

"What are you guys doing here? Every of you?" I questioned.

"Oh, Seol! You're awake!" Minseok dragged me to him happily. "Solji noona threw a party. You didn't know about it?"

I turned to Solji unnie, while she just shrugged.

"Yah Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun! Stop eating the cake!" I could hear Kyungsoo shouting at the two. They were in the kitchen, busy...baking cakes, I suppose. Kyungsoo, Joonmyeon, Baekhyun and Jongin were there.

"Here, have some cake." Zitao playfully placed on some cream on my face.

"So...what's the reason of throwing a party?" I asked Solji unnie.

"To celebrate that you guys had just finished your finals, and are going to university really soon."

"Seriously?" I frowned and asked. I then felt myself being hugged tightly by Yifan. These guys are getting weird and weirder as day passed.

"What's wrong, tall guy?"

"I miss you so much, Seolrim! It's been such a long time since I meet you." He said happily. Okay, even the cold Yifan that I knew turned hyper for now.

"Well hello there, short one." Chanyeol came in front of me and greeted.

"Kyungsoo! Chanyeol said that you are short!" I shouted to Kyungsoo who was inside the kitchen, busy dealing with the cakes. He turned around and glared at Chanyeol with his rounded eyes.

Yoonhye and Jongdae were sitting in the balcony, holding hands, dating. I didn't want to go and disturb them, so I just decided to sit down in the couch. Yixing, Sehun and Luhan were there playing games with their own phone.

As I sat down, Yifan got in between me and Yixing. He took out his phone and told me, "Hey, Seolrim. You know, it will be the graduation ceremony in three days. Are you excited about it?"

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