The huge change

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Jeffery pov

Gosh that was the hardest nap I've ever had I wasn't even at work that long boss sent me home because I was looking 'sick' well whatever. My stomach hurts like a mother fucker though. I rubbed it a little bit gently rubbing my hands on my stomach trying to sooth it. Shit that hurts like hell.

"JEFFREY AND JESSE ITS TIME TO EAT" I signed lifting my self up even though my stomach was killing me I opened the door walked through the kitchen and plopped down at my normal place. I looked up to see the family all staring at me as though I didn't belong.

"What the hell?"

"And who the hell are you."

"Dad quit tripping mom what is he doing"

"What the fuck where's JT"

"I am JT ,mom"

"Prove it" I breathed in deeply.

"We pull pranks on each other I'm 24
Your 5 years old or something and and I film you to humiliate you." I did my signature laugh and the whole family signed knowing it was me.

"Ha ha ha ouch" I bent forward holding my stomach.

"Aww sweetheart"

"Why were you guys looking at me weird anyway?" Jesse rolled his eyes as if I was suppose to know as he held up a mirror.

"Holy...." I looked at my self with softer features I had pink plump lips with long brown hair, my eyes had long and full eyelashes. And my ears had two studs in them. I looked down at my self my boobs covering my sight of my stomach and I had kind of chubby thighs and legs. And now that I look at the booty damn. I usually like a girl with a lil meat to her anyway. In fact the best way I could describe my self is chubby enough to were I had the assets. Witch was weird considering I was fit as a male I mean being a female is weird enough.

I felt a ripple of pain through my stomach again. My mom came over and gentle sat me up while rubbing my back.

"How- how did this happen JT" I shrugged cringing again while the whole families eyes were on me the meal mom cooked forgotten.

"What wrong with him." I herd my brother mumble under his breath.

"I don't know we're going to the doctors tomorrow all of us but in the mean time JT let me get you a heat pack to go on your stomach after I'm going to ask you a question about what may be that pain." I nodded feeling a hot substance laid on my stomach. I flinched feeling the towel being way too hot.

"Trying to burn me over her damn." My mom signed wrapping the towel in her hand lifting my shirt up a bit only putting her hand on my stomach gently messaging it in small circles. I fully say up signing at the relief of the pain dulling away.

"Come on JT" she lifted me up gently pulling me towards my room she opened the door and I walked in laying down pulling up the shirt to my neck but quickly putting it back down not seeing my boobs in any kind of bra. I blushed.

"No Jeffrey we need to talk about the 'pain' that might be going on with you see girls have something called periods."

"I know what they are." I wasn't lying but I only knew that they you know bleed but that's it. Actually just the thought sounds horrifying.

"So now go to the bathroom and check your under JEFFREY." I look up with wide eyes before putting my pants back in place.

"Nope there's no iron in their." My mom just shook her head as my stomach clinched up and my moms hand with the warm towel went back to running my lower abdomen. I signed.

"Hmm if it's not that it must be your body changing."

"Aawwwww I already went through puberty." I laughed for a bit feeling my stomach clinch back up.

"But first Jeff we need to set up some rules no walking around with no shirt any more, and you have to close your door when you change close or have on only one price of clothing alright."

"Awww what about swimming and my clothes."

"I'll by you new swim suits, bras, underwear and other items okay" I nodded my mom leaving my towel on my stomach. I rubbed it myself but signed at all the work it took.

"By the way you need a different name when we go out tomorrow." I pondered for a bit. Before I shrugged.

"Fine Juliet and Jesse it is." I Rolex my eyes what's up with my mom with j's. I herd noises coming from my other door. Gosh it's corn and Jesse. When did he even get here I swear he practically lives here. And of corse my curiosity got the best of me.

"Yeah dude I swear he's a she."

"No your lying to me that's the most far fetched thing I've ever herd." Jesse rolled his eyes.

"Look!"corn turned to me but I quickly closed the door behind me not wanting to look at him. But as soon as I did look at him my heart started to pound almost as if I ran a 5K race.

Damn mom said I would be changing a lot.

"Come on corn didn't see you yet." I felt my face get hot and my heart pick up with butterflies flying in my stomach.

Damn being a girl.

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