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Jeffery pov

I laid down at my bed just looking at the ceiling.

"Okay OKAY I'm ready for this to stop now I understand girls are important blah blah blah." I looked around.

"Jeffrey sweetie you've been yelling at the ceiling for hours I'm getting worried." I looked up at my mom before my head fell back down on the bed.

"I hate this."

"I wanna be a man again I wanna have less hair I have to deal with I don't want any more cramps and I miss things between my legs."

"JEFFERY." I looked at my mom rolling my eyes. She sat on the edge of my bed putting a warm hand on my leg.

"Don't worry sweetheart this doesn't last long for a couple of people it was only 7 weeks, beside I think you look perfect boy or girl." My mom kissed me on my forehead.

"By the way we're shaving your legs today those things almost made me bleed." Shaving? I felt my face. I had no hair. I felt my chest. Hmmmm boobs but no hair, what is she talking about?

"Come on in the bathroom sweet heart."

"Whatever it is it can be that bad right?"

🔱in the bathroom🔱

I saw mom with a green liquidly substance. She stirred it a little before she reached over to the sink to get about 9 sheets of what looked like was paper.

 She stirred it a little before she reached over to the sink to get about 9 sheets of what looked like was paper

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I sat on the bathtub.

"What is this."

"Don't worry sweetie it's just a tiny pinch." She rubbed the Luke warm green goop over my leg before laying the paper down.

"What are you?"

"Ready one......two......three." She ripped of the sheet leaving my legs free of my hair and the skin underneath red.

I felt the tears.

"Why why would you do this to me mommy." She rolled her eye as if she was saying to man up.

"Come on sweets put your leg back."

"WHAT NO WAY." My mom huffed.

"I'm gonna call the cops."

"Oh we'll be done before they get here."


17 pained filled moments later😷

"Ah ah my legs are just red nubs now." I poked at my legs before snatching my hand back quick. My mom began slowly rubbing my legs with oil soothing them automatically.

"I feel mis-treated I trusted you."

"Don't be so dramatic honey it's over." She kissed me on my fore head before leaving out.

"This sucks." I poked at my legs until I herd a knock on the door.

"Hey umm are you using this bathroom." I looked up and saw corn looking down at me. I stood up and just that moment I realized that I was up to his chin now.


"Uuuuuu no I'm not using it you can go in there."

"You alright I herd screaming." I looked up at him.

"I'm fine it just feels like my legs are on fire but that's it." Corns laugh practically made me want to hug him but I sided with just walking out Scottish past us but unfortunately the door is a little small going into the bathroom so while I schooled past my chest rubbed up against his back I looked back to see him smiling at me before closing the door.

I went in my room and closed the door.


I kicked my legs and turned and twisted on my bed wildly. The whole time I didn't realize that my room door was open and my dad stood their staring at me as if I had 3 extra heads.

"Are you..."

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm fine just don't do drugs anymore Jeffery." He grumbled as he walked down stairs.

"Yeah nice chat dad."

Damn, I hate being a girl


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