Chapter 6 - Over the Devil

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𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑎 - 𝑀𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑠


Being rejected sucks. Even though I'm with Jeremy now, it doesn't change the fact that I have a mate. After being rejected, there are days when I feel like dying. Like a period, just worse.

My insides turn and I feel on fire. My hands become weak and hot. My legs become jello and my whole body aches. Worst of all, my heart hurts and I can never seem to stop crying.

Yesterday was that day, I had to call in sick and Megan had to take my place in training the beginners. And today is my day off but it isn't Megan's day off so she's pissed. She's always had to take my place but for some reason, I usually have the days when it's her day off. So now I'm at a dollar store buying cookies and cupcakes so she doesn't hate me. She forgives me almost instantly - if I get her the ones with chocolate chips that is.

I catch up with a pack member, buy the junk food and get in my car. It isn't a glamorous car but the alpha gave it to me as a reward for learning how to fight quickly. Apparently, at my age, members of the Dark Moon pack are expected to be at army level. Which I thought was absurd until a baby beat me up...

I park the car and enter the pack gym. Once inside, I spot Victor and Megan training their groups through the glass walls. With a deep sigh, I walk towards Megan's room whose eyes narrow into silts when she spots me. I open the door and walk towards where she is. I bow at the little kids offer them a smile.

"You better have a good excuse for coming to see me without your intestines on your hand."

"Eww!" The little kids she's training begin to laugh.

"Did I say you could stop?!" She claps her hands and they continue doing jumping jacks. Her eyes glare at them again before she fixes her gaze on me, "Well?"

"I'm sorry, I just had my day."

I feel guilty. They should have stopped by now. My heart would hurt when Chase would kiss or do other things with other girls and then it stopped so I shouldn't have the days anymore. And I know Chase isn't with other girls because my wolf tells me. He hasn't for four months now.

Megan grabs my arm and pulls me to the corner even though we both know the kids will hear everything. "Look, I understand  but shouldn't you be over it by now? Tell your wolf to women up or something. I love you but I like to rest on my days off. Especially during the weekend."

"I know," I scratch the back of my head, "I don't know. I already went to the pack doctor but he says it varies. Some hurt all the time and others hurt during specific times of the day, he says I'm a lucky one."

Megan scoffs, "Lucky, my ass..." Her eyes darken for a second, "Could it be..." Megan brings her head closer to mine. "Are you not over him or...?" She asks me through mind link.

I give her a look, "You know I am."

She leans back, "Fine." She frowns and snatches the bag from my hands, "There better be chocolate chip cookies in here or I swear I'm declaring war on your perky ass."

I make a face, "I'm tired of you saying perky, just stop." I shake my head and walk out but not before hearing her obnoxious laugh.

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