Hospital (again)

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Just pretend Claude is Alois and whatever shit is on Ciel's shoulders is a blanket that's wrapped around him.

Alois's P.O.V.

I woke up early the next morning. It was Saturday but I didn't care. I had to get Ciel to the hospital. He had promised to go today but I just want him in the hands of people who can help him as soon as possible. My foster parents had agreed to bring him early. And yes I said foster parents. They had officially adopted Luka and I yesterday. I rolled over and looked at the clock on the other side of Ciel. 3:30am. Damn. Will they even be open? I thought while carefully getting up so I didn't wake Ciel and managed to get dressed without the light on. I simply threw on a pair of gray sweat pants and a loose black T-shirt, along with my purple and black Nikes. It was decided that Ciel would ride in the back with me so he could lay down and sleep while our mom drove us to the hospital. It's ganna be weird having sex with him from now on. We're basically related. But I guess I can live with that. I thought while putting everything we'll need into a backpack, including some snacks from when I raided the kitchen. Of corse, the house butler, Sebastian, had found out and simply asked me if I needed help. I slipped our phones into the front of the bag along with our chargers and earphones and slung it over my shoulder. I wrapped a blanket around Ciel and picked him up bridal style. He snuggled closer to me but didn't wake up. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and carefully walked down the stairs. Our mom was already waiting by the garage door. She smiled at me and her son, opening the door for me and letting me walk into the garage to they're car.(The white one that looks like Sebastians) she opened the back door for us after closing the door to the house. I sat down next to the far wall, Laying Ciel in the seat next to me and placing his head on my lap. I wrapped the blanket around him tighter so it wouldn't be in the way of the seat belt and buckled him in after I was buckled in. My foster mom looked through the rear view mirror and smiled at me.
"He'll be fine."
I looked down at the boy sleeping next to me on the seat with his head in my lap and softly played with his hair.
"I hope so."

~Time skip~

When we got to the hospital I carried Ciel inside he was still wrapped in a blanket since he was only wearing an over sized shirt. And I mean the only thing he was wearing was an oversized shirt. He wasn't even wearing underwear because his doctor said it would hurt. As we entered I saw a few nurses and his doctor waiting at the reception desk. There weren't very many patients there and the nurses must have been there for Ciel. I carried him over to them while his mom talked to the lady at the reception desk. The nurses looked down at him while his doctor, Dr. Freeman was it? Talked to me.
"Don't worry, your boyfriend will be alright."
How does he know I'm his boyfriend? Mom probably told him. I decided and walked with them to the ER(emergency room) Ciel was staying in. It was the same room Luka stayed in. I set Ciel down on the bed as Dr. Freeman read over his file and the nurses carefully took the blanket off him and tucked him into the blankets on the bed. They handed me the blanket. One of the nurses spoke.
"You can use this and sleep on the couch."
She said pointing at the couch. I nodded and walked over to the couch, laying down. I wrapping up in the blanket that still smelled like Ciel and laid my head on one of the throw pillows, watching as my foster mom entered the room and sat in the chair next to the couch I was laying on. The nurses hooked Ciel up to a few machines that pumped morphine and a few other drugs into him. They taped the needles to his wrists to keep them from moving and placed a mask over his mouth and nose, securing the strap on the back of his head so he would breath in fumes to calm him down. Dr. Freeman spoke.
"It seems your son has a torn anus. As the boys know from when I visited. He'll have to be here for a week at the least."
My eyes widened.
"A whole week?! Was I really that hard on him?!"
Dr. Freeman shook his head.
"His body is fragile and breaks easily. It wasn't your fault. Would you like a mask to help you sleep? You need some rest."
I nodded to him and one of the nurses came over with a machine. She took the mask off its stand and placed it over my mouth and nose, fixing the strap on the back of my head. I was already laying down with my head laying on one of the throw pillows. As soon as she turned it on I felt very calm. This works really well. I thought, slipping into a land of dreams.

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