Chapter Five

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At Canterlot Castle after the Surrender.

Twilivine is now a little cloud in a glass altar but luckily she can still perform spells whilst being in small,tiny gaps.

True enough,she perfomed her Forgotten memories spell and Celestia was stunned then starts saying,"Uhh....where am I?"

"Help!"Twilivine called out.

Celestia,forgotten that she is not to let her prisoner out,opened the altar and Twilivine escaped,her body grew large.

Only Twilivine's head and a black mass of swirls covering her body can be seen.

"Umm....can you tell me where am I?"

"You're in my castle.My butler,Discord will show you the way out."

Discord came and led the confused princess out.

"Any news from Ponyville,Manehattan and such?"

"All the nations are preparing for a war against you."

Twilivine laughed and turned serious again.

She ordered Discord to get the army ready while she hides the precious treasures and transform.

"Of course,my queen."

Twilivine focused,her magic wrapping her up in a silky green cocoon.

At the same time,a lightning bolt struck down on Twilivine to activate her Queen General form which comes with strong emerald gear and The Head Chopper battle axe,she came out of the cocoon.

Twilivine laughed then gathered her lethal potions and gave Discord dark magic whilst she made the army's gear stronger and much durable.

"We're ready,your majesty.Give us the word."said Changeling Guard Coulin.

"I am so ready.Let's roll."Twilivine said and started flying.

"Twilivine.We have been waiting."General Raven Halt said in a  serious tone and shot a dirty look at her.

"Let's see if this worth it,Raven."Twilivine spat and the Great War commenced with both the armies rushing to each other.

"This is war.You asked for it and you can have it!"Raven says to Twilivine,punching her hard in the face.

To be continued at Chapter 6....
Enjoy and take care,BYEEE!

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