Chapter 1

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"Where am I?"asked Twilight.

Twilight has regained consciousness after she was knocked down.

"Hello Twilight."said Skywalker with a nasty smile.

"What are you doing to me?"

"I'm just going to take back what used to be mine,Princess."

"What is it?"

"My reputation!"screamed Skywalker in anger.

"You see I am not really Skywalker but I am Twilivine Everfree and Celestia has given away WHAT is mine and now you will pay."

Skywalker used a spell on Twilight to remove her cutie mark and placed it on a sealed-tight jar.

"Now,for the very fun part....IS TO DIE!"

The blue pegasus yield a sword and said,"Celestia is a very foolish pony to think that I will not come back,hahaha!"

And she inserted the sword into Twilight.

Instantly,rainbow magic burst out and Skywalker absorbed the magic.

The false skin cracks and shows the true side.

"Equestria will pay for the pain they caused ME!"Twilivine Everfree shouted and her alicorn wings unfurled itself and her once-blue eyes turned poison-purple.

Twilivine walked out and teleported to her base at the Everfree Forest to grab her Turquoise Potion.

"Today's the grand Galloping Gala and the three princesses will be there Perfect!"

Twilivine casted an invisibility spell on herself and teleported to The Gala.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as I write a book about this OC.
Sayonara and take care! :)

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