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Enid POV:
My eyes shot open at hearing the rustling of leaves and I instantly realized that I had fallen asleep on my shift. Carl was trying to move, and I immediately put my hand on his bare chest, holding him back. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked him. "Well, I figured that guy might have some food in his bag, so I was gonna check it." he answered. "Just sit back, babe- I, I mean Carl, I'll get it. You really don't need to be moving too much." I instructed. "Yes ma'am." Carl obeyed, playfully responding. I hoped to God he didn't catch my slip up, me accidentally calling him "babe." We weren't technically together, but then again, we weren't technically not together. We hadn't ever really talked about it, so I was confused on where we stood. I checked the bag and found half a bottle of water, two full bottles, a Doritos chip bag, a family size Captain Crunch cereal box, and two cans of green beans. "Ha! Look at all this!" I threw the bag at Carl and he caught it midair. After looking through its contents, a smile spread on his face and he unscrewed a water bottle and took a sip. I grabbed the gun that was laying on the ground and checked the bullet count, four. "Four in here." I stated. "I just found 6 bullets in this side pouch." Carl said, holding them out on the palm of his hand. "Good, then with my eleven, your nine, and this ten, we have thirty bullets even." I did the math in my head and calculated our ammo count. "Let me check on your leg." I told him as I kneeled next to the crude tourniquet. Slowly, and carefully, I untied Carl's shirt from his bullet wound. It was looking darkish around and in the wound, but the bleeding had ceased. "How's it lookin' Doc?" Carl asked. "Well, it stopped bleeding, that's good." I answered. Carl sat expectantly, he knew that nowadays, there was always a "but,". "But, it's looking dark and discolored, infected maybe. I think, if you can walk, we should try to find medical supplies and somewhere to hole up." I suggested, knowing that Carl would agree. "Yeah, yeah, I can walk." Carl assured. "Okay, we should get going so that maybe we can find somewhere before nightfall." I helped Carl up and we loaded up all of our supplies. We exited the woods onto the road and away we went, his left arm draped over my shoulder, and my right holding him up by the waist.
Carl POV:
'Babe,' huh? I could definitely get used to that.

Hey y'all! Thanks for reading and I apologize, this was kind of a boring, filler chapter. But, next chapter should get good, I think! See you next time! -savagetwd

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