Lone Walker

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Enid POV:
I wake up to find Carl staring at me, and I instantly worry. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing, everything's fine, I was just admiring you, that's all." Carl quickly replied, seeing the concern written on my face. The worry was replaced with a blush, and I never, ever, did such a thing as blush. Carl Grimes never ceased to amaze me. "Admiring me, huh?" I quipped. "Yeah, 'cause you're beautiful, Enid. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Carl answered, and I could feel my cheeks heat up even more. I stayed quiet for a minute and then said, "Well, we should probably start looking for supplies and stuff." Carl grinned that knee-weakening smile and replied, "Yeah, yeah we should." I stood and then helped Carl to his feet. "How does your leg feel?" I asked. "Better. Definitely should be able to walk easier today." Carl answered, pulling his backpack on as I did the same. We left the law firm and set out looking for supplies, me carefully watching Carl to see how he was moving.
Carl POV:
We came upon what looked to have been an Urgent Care, and we quickly realized that the place was filled with walkers, too many for us to take on. "Dang, I bet they had some meds in there." Enid said, watching the undead claw and bang at the window, rasping and groaning noises of longing. I sighed and turned away, saying, "Yeah, let's move on." After clearing a few walkers out of a Wendy's and finding some food, we found a pharmacy. "Jonesville Pharmacy." the sign read. We scanned the windows and checked around the building to find only one walker shuffling through an aisle. Enid and I exchanged a glance that said, "Ready?" and she tugged on the broken knob. The front door was surprisingly open, so we came in cautiously with our guns ready. As I was about to take the lone walker out with a bullet, a silver flash came out of nowhere and the walker fell, its newly decapitated head rolling, still rasping and biting. And then I saw her. A face I never thought I'd see again. Before me, stood Michonne.

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