This is my first fanfic so yeah. here go's.
Kennedy's POV
It had been at least a week since I had last gotten high, and the urge was killing me. My dealer was out of town, and I was all out of heroin. Out of what few friends I had, offered to blaze me up with weed. But honestly I hate the taste of that shit. I would way rather shove a needle into my skin and get high that way, plus and I've been doing it for years now anyways. I got home fromy my shitty job at mcdicks and was about to go to my room to blast my music, when my parents called me into the living room. I walked into the living room to see my parents, and my little brother sitting, waiting for me. I start screaming at them, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS, IS THIS YOUR WAY OF DOING SOME FOOLISH INTERVENTION CRAP WITH ME. I DONT HAVE FUCKING TIME TO WASTE MY DAY WITH A BUNCH OF DUMB FUCKS WHO THINK THEY KNOW ME!!" I booked it to my room, and locked the door. That was one of the benefits of my room, it was the only one with a lock. I heard the stairs creaking so I knew my parents were coming. I was going to be in a shit load of trouble. I climbed into my bed and held the pillow over my face and tried to keep the tears from spilling. I was waiting for them any moment know to bang on the door telling me I had to let them in. Thats when I remembered that my bathroom was connected to my bothers room and I hadnt locked that door. I threw the pillow off and jumped out of bed to quickly lock the door, but when I sat up they were all standing in my room, staring at me like I was a pyshco. My mom came and sat on my bed with me.
"Sweety, I don't know what you thought we called you in there for, but me and your father have something to tell you."
I just looked down at my bed. I knew that even though she had a sweet tone in her voice, that she was glaring at me. I could feel her stare.
"Tell me what" I muttered.
"Your father and I are getting a divorce"
Really. This is all they had to tell me. It was obvious they were getting a divorce.
"For fucks sakes, that's all you had to tell me. It was bound to happen, the whole fucking world knew you two were going to end. He's a fucking 47 year old and your like 25"
I didnt really think it through but I then realized that if they were getting a divorce one of them was moving. Maybe I'll finally be able to get out of this hell hole.
Josh's POV
I woke up in my room, which is also known as the basment of my parents house. My room smelled of alcohal and heroin, it always did. If I wasnt at school, which I never was. I was either getting stoned in my room, or practising with my band ramsay friction. My bestfriend Matt Webb was always worried about me. He thought one day I might over dose, and die. But honestly, who cares. My parents are never home, and my sister Sarah just moved out. Im the only one who's ever here. Nobody would even notice. I decided I would go for a walk and I was walking down my street was I saw that the house right across from me was sold. I walked to the end of my street and looked at the sign it said 'Acadia Road'. I've lived here my whole life, and I think thats what doesnt help me stop my addiction. It's all I've ever known to do here. My parents were addicts to, but it was only weed. They don't know about my addiction, but its not like they would care. Maybe If I had moved once or twice through out my teen years I would have stopped doing heroin, maybe I would have looked for a fresh start.
Kennedy's POV