Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Laura Horan's POV

I saw my son repeatedly look at his phone at various times and smile at it before typing back. The last time he did it I gave him a strange look. Finally I asked him about it. "Niall! Who are you texting with that goofy grin on your face?" I must've said it loudly because everyone snickered a little and Niall blushed a deep red. "No one, Mama." He mumbled. "Mmmhmmm." There's no way that's no one. Oh! I have an idea. "Ni, honey. Can you come help me with my stuff in my room. It's for a surprise later." He nodded. Up in my room I, once again, asked him about who he was texting. This time he gave an answer, "It's this sweet girl named Emily I met over my fake account on Instagram. She self harms and I wanna try to help her." We'll I certainly wasn't expecting that... But the thought of my caring son helping out one of his many fans warmed my heart. All of the boys were so sweet and caring. I nodded and pulled him into a hug, while whispering praises and things about how proud I was of him. Then I let him go and we both walked downstairs to join the rest of the party.

Emily's POV

I asked Lizzy why she cared so much. Her answer took me by surprise. It was so real and heartfelt... "I care because no one should have to go through that. No one should feel so alone and so hurt that they go to hurting themselves. I care because, why shouldn't I? You just need a friend, you're just like everyone else in this world. You're super sweet, amazing and anyone would be LUCKY to meet someone as special as you. That's why I care." It was such I sweet answer, I started to cry. I knew that Lizzy would see that I read it, but I needed a moment for myself before I replied. After a couple minutes of regrouping myself I managed to send back a response. "That's so sweet of you. You don't know how much I appreciate that, how much I appreciate having you. You are the best friend I have ever had and I hope one day I get the honor of meeting you. I'm so lucky to have you! <3" Soon after I got a reply back from her, "You're super sweet too! We're both lucky to have each other. Now, before I break down crying from all this sweet talk and emotional-ness, let's continue our question game! My question to you is: where were you born/grew up/live?" I typed back my response, "That's a good idea, I don't want this to be like a sentimental soap opera ;) my answer is Indiana, I'm still living here too. What about you?" I shut my phone for a bit and went about cleaning my room; fixing and adjusting posters, picking up paper, hiding my recently-used blades. While doing all of this, I had a thought while stashing away my blades. How about I take a break from cutting? See what twists and turns life puts me through and see how long I can last without taking them out again. So instead of putting them in my usual hiding place I stuffed them behind a huge dresser that wasn't easily moved. This will be interesting... But my inner thoughts were interrupted by a beep by my phone. Thinking I was going to see a response from Lizzy lighting up my lock screen, surprised would be an understatement of what I felt when I read the notification.


I'll be updating multiple chapters for this so enjoy!


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