Chapter Thirty-Six

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Saving My Perfect

Chapter 36

Emily's POV

I had gone so long, too long without my Irish ray of sunshine, my Niall. He has been on your for two and a half months. He was coming home in a week. But I couldn't handle it. It's just become too much. I've been staying inside all day in my bed. My friends have started to visit everyday to make sure I'm eating and still alive. I don't know what it is, but something just broke inside of me that day Niall left for tour. I'm hanging on by a string. A string that's about to be cut. I've decided. Today's the day. Suicide is such a horrible word, so I'm not going to use it. But that's what is happening. I already have my note, it addresses each of my friends and family, and last, but definitely not least, Niall. I hope he'll remember me when I'm gone, I'll always remember him... The time has come.

Third Person POV

Emily placed her note on the front table, somewhere that everyone who needed to read it would find it, and headed upstairs to the bathroom. She gently took out the pills, the pills that would, in a matter of seconds, end her life. Hands shaking, she opened the jar and emptied the contents onto her hand. A couple fell but there was enough in her hand that she just let them lay there. She sent final thoughts to those she cared about and raised her hand to her mouth, preparing to put the pills in. Then she swallowed, just as her friend Kathleen entered the room. Emily mumbled something half-heartedly that Kathleen couldn't understand then her eyes dropped shut and she went limp. Her body like a rag doll. Her head and arm slumped on the toilet, the rest of her body laid in a pile on the floor. Kathleen screamed. Grabbing Emily's body, she tried to multitask and call 911. When the operator picked up, she lost it. The operator tried to get the sobbing girl to give him the information he needed. Once he got it, he hung up with the promise of ambulances on the way. Kathleen, still crying and trying to control herself, managed to get Emily downstairs and laid on the couch without further injuring her. She was able to stop blubbering, but tears still fell constantly from her watery eyes. Finally the ambulances arrived at Emily's house, the medics put her into the ambulance and hooked her up. They allowed Kathleen to hop in as well. On the ride to the hospital, the medics checked Emily's vitals, including her heart, which was still beating signaling that she was indeed still alive. Kathleen, once assured her friend was alive, drifted asleep, exhausted from the scary events. The medics knew it was better to let her sleep to recover from what she had witnessed. When they arrive at the hospital, they awoke Kathleen and set up to have some tests done on Emily. Kathleen chose to wait in Emily's hospital room until the tests were done. Afterwards, the doctors relayed the results to Kathleen. Emily was alive, her body was trying to fight off and destroy the chemicals in the pills, her body was in shock but would awaken when it was healed. But they didn't know how long it would take. "Miss, you're allowed to stay here as long as you would like. You may accompany Ms. Emily to her room and stay with her. But be sure to IMMEDIATELY alert us if anything unusual happens or if she wakes up. One of the nurses will bring her in and will be checking in on the two of you periodically during the day. I'll come in the room around 5. Get some rest... Goodbye." With that the head doctor left, Kathleen walked back to the room and laid down for a troubled sleep.

Emily's POV

It didn't work. I'm still alive. That was the first thing I thought. I'm alive. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, or was it? The bleak blackness was getting aggravating. It was all I could see, all I could feel. It was sickening, if Kathleen had never walked into my bathroom I would've been done, I would've been happy. Ugh! But now I'm here in this horrible state between consciousness and death. I know I should be frightened, but it's actually quite calming... I think I'll just rest awhile, my mind is hurting a little bit now that I think about it... Zzz.

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