Chapter Fourty

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Saving My Perfect Match

Chapter 40

Third Person's POV

The doctors swarmed around the unconscious body. They knew what they had to do. All they had to do was focus and get the job done. Only a couple minutes into the surgery, something unexpected happened. They didn't know what it meant. They sent a doctor out to call the first numbers in the patient's phone, someone named Niall and her parents. Once the news was delivered, the doctors stared in awe. They wheeled out the stretcher and brought the occupant back to the room, there the squad of doctors awaited the visitors, preparing their explanations. Taking no time to get there, the boy named Niall and several other boys arrived in the hospital room, quickly followed by the mother and father. The new company gasped, but the girl in the hospital bed just smiled and waved, finally conscious again. Multiple cries and sobs followed, from almost everyone in the room. Emily was hugged and cradled and whispered to and cried on as each individual made their way bedside. Once the initial greeting was over with, the doctors took to explicating, the audience solicitous. The family and friends felt a wave of euphoria wash over them, they now had Emily back. Finally the doctors left, their explanation digested and understood, and left the visitors to reunite properly. The family members cried into each other and hugged, but Niall just stood there, speechless and wonder-struck. He had his girlfriend back. She was alive. She. Was. Alive. His infatuation had long-since faded to pure love and longing, but yet he sat there bewildered by her utter beauty. Everyone else, including his four mates, had already welcomed Emily back into the world except for him. He blushed, embarrassed, and rushed to her side. He showered her neck in butterfly kisses and made his way up to her lips, where he paused, hovering over her lips briefly, before smashing them together, a welcome back only he could deliver. "I missed you so f*****g much babe. I was so worried about you. I love you." He huskily whispered, sending electrified shocks down her spine. She leaned up and placed a soft kiss onto his lips that had just barely left hers. He pulled her head closer, connecting their lips once more, before backing off and rejoining the boys on the far wall. Emily gazed around the room, making eye contact with each individual, each person that cared about and loved her, that's when she started crying. All these people would have been devastated and potentially ruined had her suicidal plan been successful. She was acting selfishly, she just needed an escape. Niall was her escape, her saving grace. Tears were falling at a steady pace down her rosy red cheeks. Niall accompanied her next to the bed, wiping the tears that kept falling. "Shh.. Baby, it's okay. I'm here, we're all here. What do you need? What's the matter? We're all here for you." Emily sniffled, "That's the problem, you ARE all there for me. I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry I did this and put all of you through so much. I'm sorry." She whispered. "Emily. Look at me." She kept her head down, resulting in Niall gently lifting her head up so she was looking at him. "You are not a disappointment. You are the exact opposite. Why do you think so many people care and love you? Because you're an amazing person. In fact, I should be the one apologizing, I have been such a bad boyfriend. I haven't been there for you even when you made it obvious and gave me clues that you needed me. This whole thing has made me realize that, and I made a promise to myself and to you not to let it happen again, I'm going to be the bestest.." Harry interrupted, "Hey! That's my word!" Niall glared at him then continued, "I'm going to be the best boyfriend ever. That's my promise to you. And I want you to hold me to it. I love you and I'm never letting you go again." Emily just simpered, feeling lucky and proud that she had found Niall and that he was her boyfriend. She leaned into his lips, closing her eyes and enjoying the elated bliss that was included in each kiss. They pulled apart, Niall staying by her side this time. Emily's parents watched with tears in their eyes. Her father went over to the couple. "Niall," he started, a slight break in his voice while doing so, "I'm sorry that we have never formally met before this, but I just want to say this. I am so happy that Emily has found you, and I have never been happy to see her with a boy, but with you I trust you and I know that you two share something special. I approve of your relationship and hope to see it go for quite awhile." Niall sighed happily, "That means so much to me, thank you. I would never do something that would hurt your daughter sir. She is my whole world. I love her so much. Thank you." Then they hugged. A manly hug, that is. Emily's mother then came over and pulled Niall in for a tight hug, practically squeezing the breath out of him. "Thank you for being my daughter's boyfriend. She needs someone like you." She whispered, quiet enough that only Niall could hear her. After they exchanged final hugs, kisses and goodbye's, then Emily's parents left, promising to visit her tomorrow. Emily gazed at each of the remaining boys. "Wow." She breathed. "What?" "I never thought that I would have all five members of One Direction in the same room as me. Ever." Niall laughed, proud that he could make his girl's dreams come true, "Well, I would do anything for you." He grabbed onto her hand, fingers intertwining. "Boys, thank you for being here for me and my girlfriend." They all mumbled a mix of 'you're welcome's before Liam spoke up. "Emily, I hope you know that all of us," he said, gesturing to the other three boys, "are always here and on call for you. Whenever and whatever you need, never hesitate to give one of us a call." "And we, uhh. We already put our phone numbers in your phone..." Louis put in. Emily giggled and thanked them. Then a guy nurse came in, a certain nurse that made all the blood drain from Emily's face, making her seem as if she'd just seen a ghost. None of the boys saw her reaction, at least that's what she thought. Zayn had seen her freak out, and was anxious as to why. He made a mental note to tell Niall later. The male nurse asked them to leave, visiting hours were over. Niall tried to argue, but the nurse wasn't having it. Emily reassured her agitated boyfriend that she would be fine, and that he can come first thing tomorrow morning. "I'll be counting down the minutes." Emily joked as the boys walked out. They called goodbye and Niall rushed in to give her one more goodbye kiss. He whispered, "call me ASAP if something happens. I can't let anything else happen to you." "I love you." "I love you too, Emily. See you tomorrow." He winked before heading out the door. Emily loved how sweet Niall was and how he truly loved her. She just wondered if she would be fine tonight, especially with him being here.


OOOH! Who's this new person? And why does he make Emily so nervous?

YAY FOR DOUBLE UPDATES! Lol. I hope you guys like it. I don't know when I'll be able to update again, which is why I did a double upload. Well,



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