Their Return

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A/N: Welcome to the next chapter of The Other Swan :D I’m pretty happy since this story is hitting about 400 reads, and I’m really happy. Now as for the chapter, some action will be coming in the next chapter. Anyway ENJOY!


Sunlight broke through the windows as I sat in the study with Ian, thankfully today wasn’t a physical training day, it was a mental. He had managed to scrap up several books on the Vampire History, dating back to the Volturi human days.

“Read this, and you’ll know everything.” Even though the history was ‘really’ interesting, my focus on the books, it was on woman outside my window, Juliet. She was sitting in her yard, reading a book. Her mouth forming a sweet smile.

I grinned and gave a small wave, she giggled and looked down at her book. I leaned forward on my hand, and continued gazing at her, completely tuning out on what Ian was saying. I smiled once she finally looked up from her book, god she was amazing. Just as I do something, a book hit me off my chair.

“What the hell Ian?” I groaned, rubbing my head. Despite what it look like, that book had quite the amount of pages.

“You’re a vampire that didn’t even hurt!” Ian called out, wacking me in the back of the head. I grumbled as I sat back up, but I turned once I heard the sound of laughing.

She was sitting there, laughing and for some reason I loved it. I sat back, smiling at her once more. Ian sighed before getting out of the room.

“Love birds…”


Christopher P.O.V

Sighing, I stopped the car and looked over to Bella. She was curled up in her seat, fast asleep. I gave a small smile as I put a piece of her hair behind her ear. Opening the door, I flashed to Bella’s side, and carefully picked her up, trying not to wake her up.

Kicking the door closed, I started walking up to the house-her house. Halfway in the driveway, I stopped.

“Come on, I can hear you breathing.” After a minute or so, they walked out of the forest. Edward flashed to me and took Bella out of my arms, waking her up.

“Chris, what’s going on?” She whispered. Edward glared at me before heading to the house. At that same moment, Emmett ran and threw a punch. I grabbed his hand and threw him into a tree.

“God, you’re getting old.” I muttered.

“What did you do to her?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing, god I didn’t know you were into incest Em.” He growled and got up, Alice and Rose held him back and looked back me, hatefully.

“Where were you these past two days..” I nodded and smiled.

“Thanks for asking nicely, to be honest me and Bella drove down to La Push met that horrid pack-“

“YOU WHAT?” My eyebrow furrowed.

“Shush, people are trying to sleep!” They glared and quieted down.

“You know, your broke the treaty?” Jasper stated, raising an eyebrow. I turned to him.

“No shit, Sherlock. If you must know, I made an addition to the treaty, so I can go on and offline there land to get the red handed chick.” I remarked, soon I was interrupted by the rise of the sun. At the same time, Edward came out.

“We need to get out, now!”  

As the ran back into the forest, Edward looked back at me.

“Come on Christopher!” I held my ring finger up.

“Puberty ring!” I replied, before they all disappeared and the sun rose in the sky. A few minutes, a tired Charlie stepped out.

“Why are you here, Christopher?” He questioned, glaring. I turned to him.

“Why am I ever here, Charlie.” I remarked before walking away.

“Later buzzkill.” Smirking, I stepped into my car and drove away.


Edward P.O.V

Finally reaching our house, we all sped into the living room and collapsed on the couch. Carlisle let out a frustrated sigh.

“You know how close we came to being discovered.” He called out as he paced around the room. All of us remained silent.

“Well?” He added, crossing his arms. I sighed as my thoughts came together. I looked back at Carlisle.

“Carlisle, I’ve been thinking when we found the large amount of newborns…can we honestly deal with them all?” The others looked at me.

“Christopher was the one that dealt with it before, and he dealt with the human, without killing them…” I sighed before looking up.

“We need Christopher to kill the newborns.”

The Other Swan, Forgotten [Twilight Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now