Road Trip

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A/N: Hello everyone, I just wanted to say I’ve been running out of people to dedicate it to :P So comment if you want to be dedicated to. So enjoy!


Christopher rolled his white button up shirt sleeves as he brushed the horse’s mane. It was a warm November day, Christopher refused any of the maids do work, also the fact this was his favorite horse.

As he continued to brush the horse, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Turning around, Christopher laughed at the sight before him. It was Juliet wearing a blue button shirt with rolled up trousers.

“Are you wearing Anthony’s clothes?” Christopher chuckled, as she skipped forward.

“Maybe.” She giggled. Christopher laughed.

“I stole them.” She said, smiling.

“And why is that?” Christopher teased. He chuckled as he took notice of the big boots she wore with her suit.

“So I could ride the horses, of course.” She said, patting the horse behind me.

“You know how to ride a horse?” I asked surprised. She turned back to me and rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be so surprised, Christopher.” I raised my hands in surrender.

“My apologizes.” She nodded then jumped onto the horse. I ran back into the barn before grinning and coming out.

“Ian took the last horse, so I’m going to have to ride with you.” She grinned and held her hand up.

“It’s your lucky day, Christopher.” Leaping onto it, I put my hands around her waist so I can keep hold of the ropes. I couldn’t be happier really, I think I saw a smile on her face too.

“Giddy Up!” The horse began to run through the fields.

“Get ready, Juliet!” She laughed as I whipped the ropes, to go faster.


Christopher P.O.V

“Talk about what?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I hated how he acted like he knew me, like we had some connection.

“Sorry for the others in there, they can be a little..”

“Retarded?”  I suggested, smirking.

“Um immature..”  I shrugged before he continued.

“Listen I just wanted to say I give you permission to go and off the land.” I nodded then started back to the house, he reappeared back in front of me.

“And I don’t want it to be awkward between us…since you’re going to be here a lot since Bells is here a lot.” I almost facepalmed myself on the spot, the kid really thinks he has Bella doesn’t he?

“I don’t know if she told you, but we’re kind of together…we kissed the other day-“

“You mean, you forcefully kissed her the other day.” I interrupted, Jacob was seriously getting on my nerves.

“Whatever, she kissed back and liked it.” Rolling my eyes, I waited for him to continue.

“So I hope we can get along now and for the future.” I stepped forward.

“Listen ‘child’, I’m going to put this in the simplest way possible. She’s-not-into-you. I already know she’s gonna choose Edward, did you really think she’d choose you because you’re alive and he’s not, you’re over your head.

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