How I fell in love #43 Day 1 of 31

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A/N: So here's day one of January imagine challenge.

  ~               Your POV                  ~

Sand tickled my toes as I walked along the water, gently listening to the soft ocean waves. I always loved seeing the sun softly peak through my bedroom curtains or falling asleep to the noises outside. I've lived in this beach house all my life and nothing big has ever happened until tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be camera crews, stunt doubles and four male actors that also are in some band.

This will be the very last walk on the beach for a while so I thought I'd make the most of it.

~ Next morning ~

I woke up to someone knocking on more door around six thirty in the morning and that's way to early for me. Finally deciding to get out of bed I quickly put my robe on and walked done the small spiral staircase, while gently yelling one minute. Once I approached the door I looked through the peep hole to see who was there and there was some men with a bunch of heavy equipment. I realized they were still knocking and I decided to open the door.

You: Hi, can I help you?

A man in a nice suit walked up to my door and shook my hand. Who is this guy?

Manager: Yes you can. I am the manager of big time rush and we're here to shoot the television show.

You: Oh okay. There is an side gate next to my driveway and that will lead you straight to the beach.

I gently smiled at him and beginning shutting my door when I pushed it back open. Who does this guy think he is?

Manager: I mud of forgot to mention this but we'll also be filming inside your lovely home as well. Would it be okay if we set up before our stars arrive?

I shook my head and moved aside to let them come on and setup up. I've also told the manager that I'll be in my bedroom and if he needs anything just let me know.

~ A few hours later ~

I heard my front door open and I figured the actors were here so I guess I should probably go introduce myself. When I was walking down the stairs that's when I saw him and all his gorgeous features...

~ End of flashback ~

That is the story of when I first fell in love with H/FN and I couldn't be anymore happier.

A/N: Hey everyone! So this is the first imagine of my 31 days of imagines and I really hope you enjoyed it. I want to clarify that H/FN means his full name.

Much love,

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