Chapter 1

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Kylie's POV:

There used to be a time when it was safe for people to leave their homes. A time when it was safe to send your children off to school, to go to work, to have an amazing social life. Now all of that is nearly impossible. You only leave the house when it's necessary. When you need more supplies, or for any other life or death reason. When you leave your house, you take the very grave chance of never returning.

Homes are meant for you to feel safe. They're meant to protect you. They're meant to make you feel warm, cozy, and secure. It's quite the opposite now. Even our homes aren't safe. Safer then the outside of course, but still not totally safe. You always have to be alert, there's never really a moments rest. Even when you're sleeping, you have to be ready to take action.

These creatures, they're unlike any have seen before. They're something straight out of a horror film. They're much like vampires, as in they feed off blood, but other then that they're worse. They're not only fast, but they're strong. They're horrifically spine-chilling. They're the most terrifying thing you can imagine. They look like the average person, but the virus inside of them makes them crazy. They're unable to control their actions. In other words, they like lose their soul. It kind of reminds me of an animal when it gets infected with rabies.

This virus, no one knows how it started. There are many rumors going around. Contaminated food, an infected animal, something scientists created. No one really knows the truth. A bite, one single tiny bite from an infected person is all it takes. Just one bite, and you're infected... There's no cure yet so once your infected, you're infected.

Me, I'm just a normal teenage girl. I'm the girly-girl type too. I like to paint my nails, I like to gossip, I don't like to talk about boys, well because I'm a lesbian, but anyways I'm not very strong, I'm somewhat fast, I'm of average intelligence, I'm nothing special. One of these things could easily overpower me. Recently, my father has been training me. I now know how to shoot a gun. I know how to defend myself. I won't go down without a fight.

Back to me being a normal teenage girl, yeah well I'm about average height for my age. Not too tall, not too short, just perfect. I'm around 5'5 or 5'6. I'm pretty skinny for my weight and age too which is a disadvantage against fighting. I have long brown hair, and green eyes. What else is there to say? Oh yeah, I'm nicely tanned too. One of the advantages of living in California I guess. It's been hard to tan lately because I can barely even step outside. A lot of people describe me as beautiful. I don't see it though. I'm highly insecure about myself. Then again, what teenage girl isn't?

My house is a two story house, with lots of windows. Not the safest location, but it's my home and I love it. I've lived here my whole sixteen years of life, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I have too many memories with this house, and I know my dad does as well. He built it himself for my mother. It's white, with black trim and a red front door. It looks really nice. My room is just the way I want it too. It's a little on the boring side, but I like it that way. My walls are white, and I have a pink and white bed. I also have a TV and computer in my room. My closet is huge too which is always a plus considering I have way too many clothes and shoes. I used to love opening my windows, but now I can't. It's not safe. My windows are actually blocked out and covered with wood.

My mother died when I was nine. She had cancer. It was extremely hard on my dad, but he's done his best to raise me. It's definitely not easy being a single parent. You only have one source of income, and you have a child to take care of. That's scary. I could never imagine raising a child on my own. I really look up to my father. He's an inspiration, and a really amazing person. Looks wise, he's fairly skinny like myself, and his hair is thinning and now a grayish color. He wears glasses too. He's actually not too old, he's in his forties.

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