Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Mum and Dad

Hermione was lost. She was starting to regret agreeing to move into Malfoy Manor. There were some upsides to it because finally, Nick would have a man to look up to in life, but Hermione did not want Draco to be that man. He was arrogant, cocky and a downright asshole and Hermione did not want her son turning into him. As this thought crossed her mind, she thought back to the other night when Nick had asked about his father, it had saddened her beyond belief to see the look of helplessness in his eyes. She couldn't possibly know how he felt because frankly all her life she had been surrounded by men.

When she was younger, there was her father. He was an excellent father and Hermione truly loved him for that. In primary school all her friends had been males because she generally got along with them better. It wasn't really surprising seeing as in her younger years she had not been much to look at, with her hair a messy bush and her buck teeth, females generally avoided her. And then in Hogwarts, there was of course Harry and Ron, the best friends she had ever had.

Thinking about this she couldn't help but wonder whether she was being cruel, not letting Nick have a fatherly figure in his life. She could never be cruel to her child, it was inhumane. But was Draco really the best option? Could he really be the father to Nick that she wanted? She did not know. This was why she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night; these thoughts had been invading her mind, twisting her thoughts in unimaginable angles.

Not knowing what else to do, Hermione had called her parents the moment she had woken up. She had asked them to come over so that she could get their advice. The only issue was she had never told them what had happened that night at the party. They didn't even know who the father was. They arrived at around ten. Malfoy had told her he'd be there at one in the afternoon, so there was still plenty of time.

As Hermione and her parents sat in her living room, sipping silently at their teacups, Hermione's mother, Jane, spoke up:

"So, what did you want to tell us that was so important dear?"

"Well, you see mum." Hermione began. "When I was pregnant with Nick, I told you that when the time came, I would tell you who his father is."

"Yes dear, we remember. We still don't understand why you wanted to keep it a secret from us we're you parents and we love you no matter what." Said Richard, Hermione's father.

"Well, it's time I tell you the truth."

Hermione's parents stared at her, waiting for some sort of explanation, but Hermione was at a loss for words. She decided that it would be best to be as blunt as possible.

"I met him yesterday and well he has asked me to move in with him." Hermione finally said.

"What's wrong with that dear? Aren't you happy? You should be glad that Nick will be around his father. You can't be alone forever, it's not healthy."

"I know mum, but...well its difficult. This guy isn't exactly...well let's just say I'm not very fond of him."

"Come on Hermione, he can't be that bad." It was Richard that spoke this time.

"Oh, believe me dad, he is."

"Well, who is it then?"

"Do you two remember me telling you, when I was back at Hogwarts, about a guy named Draco Malfoy?"

"The guy that teased you and called you names?" Questioned Jane.

"Yes, that's the one." Replied Hermione.

"What does he have to do with this?"

"Mum, he's got everything to do with this. He's Nick's father."

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