Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - Knickerbockers and Sunscreen

Two weeks had passed since the incidence at Diagon Alley, and during this time Hermione had finally returned to work at St Mungo's. She was immensely grateful for this, as work gave her an escape, in which she could put her personal problems at the back of her mind and concentrate on doing something she was incredibly good at, looking after and helping people.

Draco had protested severely against Hermione's insistence to go to work, claiming that it would be embarrassing for his reputation if people found out that a woman living in the Malfoy household was working, when he himself was more than capable of earning them enough. Hermione had simply told him he was a chauvinistic bastard and reminded him that no one knew she was living at the Manor. This remark had not gone down too well with Draco.

It was Narcissa that looked after Nick during the hours his parents were at work. She loved her grandson more and more as the days went by. They would spend hours together in the garden, where she told him stories of his father's childhood and the mischief he got up to. Nick would listen intently, and at times Narcissa felt incredibly bitter towards Hermione for keeping Draco from his son and vice versa.

Speaking of Hermione, Narcissa was absolutely sick to the bone regarding her son's and her attitude towards each other. Those two sometimes acted so juvenile, it made her want to scream in frustration. She of course would have to do something about that by herself, but it seemed it was never the right time to put her sneaky schemes into operation. The time would present itself sometime soon, Narcissa would make sure of it.

"What a day!" Exclaimed Draco as he collapsed onto their bed dramatically.

"Tell me about it." Said Hermione, from her side of the bed as she snuggled deeply into her pillow.

"What happened with you?" Asked Draco, turning to look at her.

"Well first there was this old woman that came in, her nose hair growing down to her ankles. Then there was a kid that had had an allergic reaction to some plant, and he had developed pustules the size of golf balls, that burst every five second." Replied Hermione, shuddering at the memory.

Draco roared with laughter, and only laughed harder when he saw Hermione glaring at him. "I can see why you love working so much now Granger." He managed to say after composing himself.

"Oh, shut up." Grumbled Hermione, turning her back to him.

Draco just laughed again. "Well, aren't you going to ask me how my day was?"


"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway."


"That's not fair Granger, I had to listen to you."

"Only because you asked."

"Whatever!" Snapped Draco, and then mumbled something about women and PMS.

"What did you say, Malfoy?" Hermione demanded, turning around and fixing him with a glare.

"Nothing." Replied Draco innocently, actually pouting.

"Oh, get that stupid look off of your face."

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do I look cute?"

"Cute my ass."

"So, you think my ass is cute?"


"Okay! Geez, calm down."

"Just go to sleep Malfoy, we have work tomorrow."

"Actually, Granger, its Saturday tomorrow."

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