Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Getting to know the mother

Narcissa Malfoy was a lady with power. On the outside, she was a glamorous, beautiful woman whose age was impossible to tell because of the way she carried herself. Most people thought she was just a clueless blonde that had married a rich man in order to be successful in life. But that was not the case at all, she was in fact rather intelligent, and Lucius Malfoy had married her only after falling in love with her quick wit and strong opinions. He confronted her before making many decisions in his life and was always sure he'd get some exceptional advice, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. Narcissa could interpret situations from many different angles and most of the time the conclusions she made based on these interpretations were logical and helpful in some way or the other.

Today, Narcissa had decided to spend the day with her son. This was for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, Draco had spent too much time away from her and they had a lot of catching up to do and secondly, after finding out about Nick and Hermione, she had to do something about the situation that the three of them were in, because Merlin knew that this was not how they could stay the rest of their lives.

During breakfast, she had sat back and watched Hermione. She saw how neither her son nor the girl spoke to each other, hell they barely even looked in the other's direction. But who could blame them, Narcissa knew exactly how horrible the relationship between the two was. Had she not been the one who listened to Draco complain all his school life about "Mudblood Granger", how she was nothing but an ugly know-it-all and stole all his glory by beating him in everything but Quidditch. She almost felt sorry for them both. But something had to be done because this would be bad not only for the two of them, but also the child and it was obvious the two cared for the boy very much.

Hermione, to Narcissa, appeared to be a very good mother; unlike some girls she had had the displeasure of meeting. She had this friendly aura about her and Narcissa could not wait to get to know her. The way she made sure Nick finished everything off his plate, the way she playfully poked him and the way she talked to him, sweetly but firmly at the same time were all positive points that had become obvious to the older woman.

Draco was a completely different story. Though she knew he was very in love with his son, Narcissa knew that he did not yet have in him what it took to be a good father. Nick asked countless questions and Draco was always unsure of how to answer them. The poor boy, he had so much to learn.

"You're awfully quite mother, something the matter?" Asked Draco, shaking the older woman out of her thoughts.

"Oh no dear, nothing's wrong." Replied Narcissa, waving it off.

Draco decided to not question any further but all because he dropped the subject, did not mean that he did not know what was going on. He was not stupid, he knew, from the way his mother was staring at Granger, she was trying to figure out the type of person she was. His mother could be very annoyingly clever sometimes and he only hoped that she was not up to her usual plotting because Draco knew he did not need any more drama in his life at this particular point. The situation with Nick and Granger was difficult enough already, without his mother getting involved. But he knew his mother very well and also knew he had nothing in his power that would stop her from her "evil scheming".

After breakfast, Narcissa led Draco away to a sitting room on the fifth floor and asked him the question he had been dreading all morning.

"So, Draco, tell me, what are you going to do about the girl and yourself?"

"What are you on about, mother?" Asked Draco irritably, trying to avoid it as much as possible but he knew it was a lost battle.

"You know perfectly well what I am 'on about', Draco."

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