Chapter 3~

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The next week consisted of learning basic magic. I mean I'm probably up to Year level 3 by now, but that's only in a week. Lucky I like reading, other wise I would of suffered long long ago. I have met a few kind wizards in my time being here, a giant named Hagrid, Fred and George Weasley two mischievous twins even popped in to say Hi, I have also met a lot of my professors, I can't exactly remember everyones names, but Snape. I have no idea why he keeps looking at me, like he is trying to figure me out. Yet he looks at me with recognition like he knows me. I just don't get it. Dumbledore had visited a few times but he was a busy man and he was getting Hogwarts ready for a new year, and today was the day that I'm leaving to finally go off to Hogwarts. It feels like I have been waiting to go forever, but it has only been one very slow week. My head is pounding from all the last minute homework. 

"Amelia todays the day, finally your going to Hogwarts how do you feel?" Said a voice behind me. I knew straight away that it was Dumbledore. He had such a calm, reassuring tone. 

"I'm excited and also nervous, because everyone knows everything  and I have no idea what to expect."

"Don't worry there will be plenty of people greeting you with open arms, and helping you round." He said with a smile.

"We better get to the station now, hold on to my arm you know the drill." I did as I was told, and in a small amount of time we arrived at the train station. It was just an ordinary train station with normal none magic people (what wizards call muggles). I looked around and my eyes landed on a girl with a whole cart full of trunks and books and and owl on top like me. I went to walk over to her but she was running,and she was going straight into a wall, at full speed. "Wait!" I cried. I was expecting to see her splat her face on the wall but instead she disappeared right through it. So now you can walk into walls? I looked back to Dumbledore but once again he was nowhere to be seen. In my hand I held a ticket that said platform 9 3/ 4 and looked up, at the moment I was standing between platforms nine and ten. So if that girl ran through nine maybe thats platform 9 3/4? Just a guess.

I lined myself up, ready for victory or public humiliation, and ran straight ahead into the wall, the next thing you know I was somewhere totally different. The other side. I didn't feel a thing. In front of me was a train that was labeled The Hogwarts Express it was the biggest train have ever seen. There were witches and wizards running around everywhere, hoping on and off of the train, younger wizards were waving out the window, saying goodbye to their families. I made my way to the train and the door was wide open. I walked straight in. It took me a while to find a seat but in the end of the many carriages, I found a whole bunch of seats all together that were completely empty. Maybe this is where I can make some friends. Everyone was giving me really strange looks as they pasted, and it was really starting to make me uncomfortable. I thought Dumbledore said they were welcoming. I rolled my eyes and got of Hogwarts a History and kept reading, there was nothing else to do. 

I heard a cough and looked up raising and eyebrow. There stood a boy, more than likely my age with bleach blond slit back hair and grey eyes. He looked shocked when I met his gaze. "Who do you think you are?"

"Amelia and who are you smart ass?"

I heard laughed from around me and he crossed his arms. "Get out of my spot" He squeezed close to me not giving me any space what so ever, pushing me up towards the window. But I didn't budge. I wasn't going to move out the way for this bastard. 

"You didn't answer my question."

"Oh you are the Mudblood Dumbledore was looking for!"


"It means Muggle born, non-wizard parents." He turned to his friends "What a loser she doesn't know anything." 

I noticed one of the boys, the fat perve from before. 

"Who are your parents anyway?" The perve spat.

"I never knew them, so I couldn't  tell you... perve."I chucked him a fake smile, and flashed him the middle finger, his smile dropped a bit.

 I went to get up to leave but the grey eyed boy pushed me against the wall, our faces were inches apart. If he wasn't such a jerk I would of kissed him because... he was kind of beautiful. But I resisted because he was a total jerk. A beautiful jerk.

"You didn't answer my question." I whispered

"My names Draco." He said inching closer again, he pressed his lips up against my ear.

"Draco Malfoy." I shivered, at his touch. I don't know what it was that I felt but it was something. Malfoy? Oh how that name is similar. Then I remembered my wand, the connection. I don't see much of a connection here. Well beside that touch of course.  My mouth parted with shock, his face was still so close to mine. He looked right into my eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Whats wrong, You scared?" He laughed, all his friends snickered around me.

"Nice meeting you mouth boy." I said pushing him off me with all my force, getting up and walking down the corridor to find somewhere else to sit.

"What a bitch." I heard him mutter, and I smiled to myself. I kind of liked him, even if he was a total jerk, but he is broken like Snape, it looks like he never gets love .He looks like he is in pain and lonely. Kind of relatable to be honest. As I was walking I continued to get weird looks, I'm pretty sure a lot of people knew who I was. But was did they know about me, that i don't?

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