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I heard footsteps down stairs and faint voices. I looked down to find Cole asleep on my chest. I sighed as someone knocked on my door. "Come in." i croaked. I turned my head as the door opened to see Ally. "Hey, how are you?" she asked. I sighed, "Could be better. the voices started up when your Dad showed up and tried to force me to go back. my legs gave out when he had a hold of me not letting me go" "Oh, I'm sorry he did that. How are you doing here?" She asked. I stated saying, "Better, I haven't been having vicious attacks, or self harming. I'm finally becoming comfortable in my own skin." "That's fantastic!" Ally smiled. I nodded and then the seriousness entered her voice as she asked, "Why'd you come to stay here?" "I couldn't deal with everything that Tyler was doing and I just kept being pushed aside. I felt like everyone liked me better when I was "13" and shy. When I kept to myself and didn't open up. When I open up no one takes it seriously they ignore me and shut me out. So it's just easier to remove myself from the equation to get better and not have to worry about all the damn drama." I said looking Ally in the eyes. She was silent. Her mouth was open and her hand was in front of her mouth. She said, "Oh my god. Trystyn i'm sorry you felt that way and I don't blame you for thinking that crap about Tyler. Just to be clear though. he caught Mason cheating him with a girl none the less the week before the concert." "He deserved that. But the whole reason I got mad at Tyler and Justin at the concert was because the words that left there mouth was bringing Cole to tears. He is like me minus the depression part. He has schizophrenia, not a severe as mine, but it's still there." I replied. Suddenly Cole began to stir and wake up. he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his little fists. Ally cooed and said, "That must be Cole." I nodded as Cole yawned and became aware of his surroundings. "Trysty, who is that?" he asked pointing to Ally. I replied, "That's my friend Ally." "Is she mean like those two boys?" He asked a little scared. I chuckled saying, "No bug, she's really nice." "Okay." he said before looking at Ally and putting a goofy lopsided grin on his face as he giggled, "Hi." Ally laughed and waved to him. She gushed, "You're so cute." a blush coated his cheeks as he looked down. Ally stayed for dinner and we hung out some as my strength slowly came back. She left close to nine with a smile and a hug saying, "I talk to you later. Bye trystyn." "Okay. See ya later Ally." I stated as she walked out the door. "She's a nice girl." Sarah said. I nodded in agreement closing my eyes. 

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