If glares could kill, you'd be dead

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im sorry for not updating, V__V 



Also, For my 'Daily Questions' at the end of the chapter, will be In Italics, Bold, and Captiols so, there may be more than one!!! 

I hope i havent lost anyone's interests.

well imma let you read



~connors P.O.V~

"I don't care, I want you, AND. I. ALWAYS. GET. WHAT. I. WANT." She whispers in my ear

my wolf started to frantically try to take control and mark her, I had to fight him back, and luckily I won. 

"Well, then I wouldn't want to be the one that wrecks that" I smile and take her hand

I felt the tingles and I know she did too. She looked up at me with dazzling eyes, and that's when I knew I would fall in love with her, whether I liked it or not.

~End of recap~


Niall and I are going shopping for food! We go to an all wolf market which I believe its called MikiMart. We were having a great time shopping until we went to go check out, our cashier was a female werewolf, and she was checking out not only our groceries but my mate, I glared at her and growled lowly, she turned her head and chuckled

"Mine" I stated 

"But soon to me mine, Bitch" she purred, and started eyeing my mate once again

That's when I lost it and pounced on her and started to punch her directly in the jaw, she only got three to four hits on me tat were actually decent, but I was about to finnish her when a set of soothing hands grabbed me waist and pulled me back, I looked up to see a very angry Niall. 

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Mate." He said to the cashier trying to control himself

We left the money on the check out place and left. I went to the van and told the driver we were ready to go, I went to go sit down, but Niall put me in his lap and growled. I looked up at him and he wrapped his arms around me protectively and put his nose to my neck and inhaled, I shivered. We didn't move or talk until we got home when Niall spoke up "Tim, bring in the groceries" Niall then got out and waited for me to get out, once I got out he growled and slung me over his shoulder.

"Niall! Put me down!!!!" I screeched 

He only growled at my protests and kept on walking to the house, He opened the door and there stood my other mates staring at us confused and a little bit jealous.

"Guys help me!" I pleaded

Harry and Zayn went to help me when Niall Growled loudly, warning them not to. I whimpered at the sound of his growl, I was scared. Niall started to walk again,

"Niall please let me go, please Niall, Niall, Niall, Please!!!" I begged and it only made him growl even more and he walked away from the rest of the boys I started to fight back frantically

"Guys Help!!!!!!" I whimpered. I started to grab and hold the wall  trying to hang on, I saw Harry and Louis sneaking up, Louis gave me the 'shhh' sign and I silently nodded, I continued to try to hold onto the corners of the walls, which only made Niall Growl even more.   And each time I started to fight back his grip would tighten, I whimpered loudly when it started to hurt.

I started to wonder what had gotten into my sweet Niall, and when I'm getting saved. I slowly gave up with fighting back and I just lay there waiting for someone to save me from Niall's grip, But we were still walking, And I heard a door open and shut, and suddenly I was a little bit cooler. I looked to the ground and noticed we were outside. I couldn't fight back anymore, and I'd loss sight of any of my other boys, I let out a sigh of defeat only to be growled at by Niall. It started to get darker and Niall started to walk slower. I took this as a sign of tiredness so I started to fight back, trying to make him lose his grip on me, but nothing worked. It only made him tighten his grib and growl even louder. I was lost of what to do, I had also lost all hope, and I had no idea where we were going. I looked up and saw Harry, Louis, Zayn, And Liam following closely behind. I smiled because I knew I was finally going to be saved from, what ever is going on. Suddenly Niall came to a stop and opened a door, and turned on a light. I heard a lock and then a loud slam. I whimpered at the sound. Niall put me down only to chain me down to the floor. 

"Niall, please, just please, release me" I whimpered 

Niall only stared at me with an unreadable look as he sat there on a chair. He pulled something out of his pocket and was fiddling with it. While fiddling with it he would steal glances towards me with a masked look. I let out a small whimper and it only made Niall growl and clench his hand into a fist.

"Stop. Doing. That." Niall said, his voice clipped

I only glared at him and turned away. Hoping the rest of the boys would save me soon. Right when I thought that I heard the door bust down, and in came Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry. All looking very serious. 

"Niall, let her go." Liam said very seriously 

Niall's only reply was to growl and stand protectively in front of me. 

Zayn on the other hand looked very angry and was glaring at Niall.

"Niall I swear if you don't release her I'll-" He was cut of by none other than Niall

"Or what? You'll kill me? That'll just hurt our darling mate, that we all care about so much." He simply stated 

"Niall, what could you possibly want?" I asked 

He only replied in a growl. That's when an escape plan formed in my head, I quickly shifted into my wolf and broke out of the chains. But Niall was a step a head of me, he turned and pressed a button, which made a strong glass wall fall down in front of me, cutting me off of my escape route. Well, I couldn't shift back or else I'd be without clothes, so I stayed in my wolf form trying to break out. I threw my body up against the wall trying to break through. I saw the boys trying to compromise with Niall. But I eventually grew tired and I knew I couldn't stay in this form forever, unless I gave Sky control, and that is not happening. I slowly blacked out from exhaustion.

~Zayns P.O.V.~ 

I got so frustrated that we couldn't help our mate! Niall was to stubborn and he wouldn't talk! he only stood there with an unreadable expression. I saw Ava growing tired in her wolf form on the other side of the glass. I knew she was going to shift back soon, and that'd cause a problem for all of us. So I growled loudly and pinned Niall on the floor. 

"Harry and Louis, get Ava Home, NOW!" I commanded as I used my power to make Niall drowsy. He growled and tried to fight back, but he grew tired and fell asleep. I looked up at Liam and he was standing there watching.

"Liam help me take Niall home please" I asked 

He only responded with a nod and we carried Niall home. Once we got home, we put Niall in his bed, and went to go check on Ava. Liam was the only one that could handle dressing Ava, so he put her in a very big and baggy shirt. We sat in her room trying to think what made Niall act the way he did, but I guess to know we would have to ask Ava what happened. But for now we just let her sleep.



Sorry I was a short chapter, but what can I say............ Popsicles are good?



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Peace~Nadia out!!! 030

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